Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Flying by

I can't believe this year is almost gone! The summer flew by, although I admit at times it dragged. I can't wait to break out the fleece jackets. Go apple-picking! Make apple pie!(I make the best, if I do say so myself!) Play in the leaves with my kids! Carve our pumpkins for Holloween!

I had a post written out, and how its always the way, I somehow lost it. First day of school went great! Ryan started 5th grade, and loves it! Emi started 4th grade and her first year in middleschool a little apprehensive but of course, ended up loving it! She has the same teacher as Ryan did last year, which is a big help. I know how he teaches, his rules, etc. He's also a major hottie! LOL Matthew's first day was awesome of course.... he loves his teacher, but was a little disappointed in a few things. He finally grasped a week ago, that all his friends from last year were moving on to 1st grade, yet he wasn't. He's also not liking the fact that this week KG goes half-days, and doesn't start full days till next week. First day for me as "Miss Busdriver" went smoothly! I had no difficulties getting up at 5:30, and was actually ready by 6:15, a half hour before I needed to leave, and I got a little bored. But.... it was a great piece of "quiet time", and I enjoyed watching the news with my cup of coffee! All my new kids are so adorable, and so tiny! Either I have some small KG kids on my bus, or they really are supposed to be that Either way, Matt fits in size-wise a little better than last year!

Anyway, nothing much else going on around here. We're all getting accustomed to our new schedule, with homework, early bedtimes, that kind of good stuff!

Do me a favor, and go on over and visit Nikki at Its also on my blogroll listed as "Finally Expecting". (My links don't seem to work when I post them!) This friend of mine just started her own blog, along with a new long-awaited-for pregnancy, and could use some hello's!

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week!


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