Thursday, May 05, 2005

Pretty pretty flowers

This morning while at Jen's house to let the cats out (Yay, she comes home on Tuesday! I miss her!) I started collecting rocks. Across the street from her house, there's this huge rock pile. Its down a hill, a very steep hill at that. I had asked Jen if I could take rocks (for my garden) and she had told me just to make sure no one saw me. Apparently some company dug them all up, or something and I really should ask. So the car's parked, I tell Molly to wait near the car while I walk down this huge hill and tell her to be really quiet. These rocks are pretty good sized...about 12 inches around or so. I go down and can only carry about 4 or 5 at a time. I come struggling up the hill, once , twice, and then I hear it. Molly, saying, or I should say YELLING...."Mommy, are you still getting rocks?" lol So I say in the most quiet yell I can "Molly, SHHHH....." It was quite interesting! Thankfully no one was around, but I don't think they would have had a problem with it. Really, I didn't even make a tiny little dent in the pile...I'm serious, it was HUGE!

I brought them all home and started on my garden. Last week I had bought a few flats of annuals and I seriously needed to get them planted! (they were dying folks!) Sorry to say, even though I took 5 trips up and down that hill, got scratched up with thorns all over my legs, I still need to go back and get more rocks. I'm bordering the back of my house with them, and only made it halfway.

But, to make a long story short....I got the majority of my flowers planted, planted my spring bulbs and threw down some mulch. And it looks beeeutiful.

And.... I got exercise out of the deal too! It was gorgeous out...a perfect spring day!


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