Saturday, September 04, 2004


I don't know how I did it, but I lost 3.6 pounds this week! Its nuts! Thats a total of 10 POUNDS in two weeks! Crazy!

I know I followed my points, but didn't get much exercise in..on two days this week and it wasn't even alot! Once I took a bike ride, and it was a slow ride because Molly was riding her bike with me. And the other time, Molly and I took a walk...again kinda slow. But hey, I'm not complaining though!

I guess I'm catching up from this summer when I lost a total of 5 pounds for two months! lol

I keep telling myself "gotta keep it up, gotta keep it up" If I do, I'll definitely reach my goal before Jen's wedding! I'm so excited!


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