Thursday, February 24, 2005

A quick trip to the airport

It should have been that easy. Chris' flight from Vegas was coming in tonight at 6pm. I figure it was perfect timing..... if I could keep the little ones awake on the way there, they'd fall asleep on the way home. If I didn't run into any traffic I could make it home for Survivor, The Apprentice, and E.R. Perfect, I thought.

I should have known better.

The first that should have clued me in was while on the phone with my brother. I was setting up things for watching my nephews tomorrow, and I mention I'm driving to pick Chris up. I get from him "don't you know its supposed to start snowing anytime now?" "Yeah, well, I'm sure it won't be that bad" I tell him. I didn't even know it was going to snow!

Second thing.....Chris calls me from his layover in Maryland to tell me that his flight is running an hour late, due to the snow, and having to de-ice the plane, etc. He'll be arriving at 7pm. Still not a problem...I can make it back in time for my favorite shows.

Have I told you how much I hate going to the airport? Well, I do. The kids and I pile into the car with time to get gas and coffee. First A woman who has had 4 kids and doesn't practice her kegels should not drink coffee unless close to a bathroom. Even before we got to the airport, I had to go. But... we were running on time, and if timed right, Chris would be walking out of the airport as I pulled up. So, now its snowing, I have to pee, and I find the right place to park in front where the signs say "No parking, no waiting...yada yada yada" And I wait. The security guard comes my way and tells me I need to circle around. I circle back around, getting oh so lucky to find another parking spot, and we wait. And wait. And wait. For over 1 goddamn hour we wait~! By this point I've assumed that Chris' flight was delayed yet again. I'm squirming in my seat because I have to pee so bad. The kids are fighting about the gameboy and Matt is whining that he has to pee! But see, I'm handy like that. I just happen to have a bottle that I whip out for him to go in. But can I do that? Nooooooooo... I'm lucky enough to be a girl!

So I'm looking into the airport windows (from my car) and noticing there are people by the baggage return. And I'm thinking... okay, I'm praying that its Chris' flight. But here comes the good 'ol security guard again. "Ma'am, you need to circle around" Darn, I was so close to leaving!

Okay, ready for TMI??? I circled back around but because I had to PEE so bad, I wasn't paying attention, and with the snow and all, I went to the terminal B waiting area. I figured it out fast enough though because it was deserted! Perfect. I couldn't wait any longer. I had debated in my head whether it was worth it to go park in the parking lot and take all the kids out (in the snow!) to go inside to pee. But that would be when Chris would come out. So anyway, I pulled over to the side of the vacant terminal B, threw open the door, emptied my coffee cup, and did it. You know how hard it is for a girl to pee sitting down? Its one thing to squat on the ground and do it, but I really didn't have any options. Needless to say, I didn't get it all in the cup! LOL So, now I'm sitting in wet jeans in my wet seat driving around to the proper "waiting" area for find Chris. By this time it was 8:30! Yup, missed Survivor.

Turns out, right as I drove back Chris came out the door and flagged me down. He had been in that group of people waiting for their luggage! I missed him by 30 seconds!

We finally headed home. By this point the roads were horrible and we still needed to get Chris' car from the commuter lot. I hate driving in the snow! It took us almost 2 hours to get home, and by the time we got to the commuter lot, I had to go again. This time I angled the car so I could go outside. In the snow. Wearing wet jeans. I tell ya, I can't wait to do that again!

Got home at 10:30. I should have been home by 8pm. I missed all the shows except for the last 1/2 hour of E.R. Since we already had 3-4 inches of fluffy snow I decided to shovel. I'm nuts like that. Russ is bringing my nephews at 7:30 tomorrow morning, so I wanted to at least make it "not so deep" for him. And I'm just eating my dinner now. What a night!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday! (And sorry for the TMI, but I just had to write about it!lol)


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