Saturday, February 19, 2005

Update on Christopher

As I write, (its almost 1pm) Christopher is in surgery receiving a new liver.

Thursday after tests were run it was found out that Christopher's liver was working 30 %. By Friday afternoon he had internal bleeding, and while in surgery to repair it, the surgeons found out his liver was no longer working at all. The surgeons took a break, and then removed his liver. We were told he could survive without a liver at all for 72 hours. Last night 3 possible donor livers were found in the U.S. and by this morning all were found to not be suitable. Yesterday after taking out his liver, his Mother was prepped , after determining she was a match, to be ready if needed. Because Christopher is in critical condition they decided to go ahead with the living donor liver transplant, instead of waiting any longer for a anonymous donor. The surgery will take a total of 9-14 hours.

Christopher's chances of making it through the surgery are 50/50. We're praying that there are no complications and that he comes through this.

Please pray for him!


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