Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The good and the bad

I'm going to make this a quick update. Still have alot of stuff going on here, but it always seems that when I don't have the time or ambition to blog, there's actually something to blog about!

First the good. Today is Ryan and Emilie's birthday! 11 years ago today I became a Mother for the first time at the age of 19. Ryan was born weighing 6lbs 8 oz. 10 years ago today I became a Mother for the second time. Emilie was born weighing 6lbs 9 oz. I was a Mother of two by the time I was 20 years old! Yes, they have the same birthday! It seems like yesterday (of course), but yet it seems so long ago! But still, I'm young to have kids that are almost teenagers..yikes! Happy Birthday Ryan and Emilie!

Now the bad. Seems to be alot of that this week. Chris' Grandmother passed away on Monday. She was 87, and unfortunately died of a massive heart attack. Family has flown in for her funeral on Friday, and its been a sad time for his family this week. His Grandmother was a wonderful woman. She was one of those little old ladies that didn't hobble around with a cane..she had so much spunk! Seven years ago when Chris and I married, she was the one to catch the bouquet! My brother was the one to catch the garter (and only 20 at the time!) He actually put the garter on her leg, and she was hooting and hollering and getting the whole crowd going... it was hilarious! She was awesome, and will be sorely missed!

This other thing that happened is very scary. My SIL's brother, Christopher, is going to be 11 yrs old tomorrow. He and Ryan get along pretty well, and to be totally honest, we see him often enough that he's considered family. Turns out since last weekend, Chris has been sick with the flu. This past Sunday his Mom took him to the clinic, where they gave him some anti-nausea meds because he hadn't been able to keep any food down. The Doctor neglected to tell his Mother that the meds needed to be taken no less than 12 hrs apart. She gave him another dose and he began having seizures. He was rushed to Yale Children's Hospital here in Ct, where they ran tests trying to figure out what was going on. Although I don't know the entire story, I believe he had an adverse reaction to the meds which caused the seizures. Yesterday as he was standing up to get dressed to be discharged, he had another seizure. They kept him at the hospital and ran more tests and came to the conclusion he might need his appendix removed. Upon further testing, it was concluded that it wasn't his appendix but his liver! Serious stuff. He was transported to a hospital in NYC, where more testing was done. It was found out that one of the arteries leading to the liver was abnormal and has been since birth. The dehydration started the symtoms. His liver is damaged. He's in the I.C.U. and in critical condition. It was determined today that he'll need a liver transplant! This has been very scary for the whole family. Since he's only 11 yrs old, they still need to decide if he's a candidate for a live donor liver or if he'll have to go on the transplant list. In the meantime my SIL has been going back and forth to NYC, with my brother taking care of their two little boys. Both my Mom and I have been helping take care of them as well. I can only imagine what Christopher's Mother is going through right now! Please do me a favor and keep Christopher in your thoughts and prayers!

The only other thing going on is court tomorrow. I'm hoping to either get some $$$ or see the S.O.B. go to jail! Should be an eventful day. Of course, my Mom will be watching Molly along with my 2 nephews so I'm hoping it won't be an all-day affair. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

So, thats my not-so-short update. Hope everyone's been having a good week!


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