Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Odds and Ends

Nothing much going on around here, as usual. Molly just came to me, held up her drinkable yogurt and said "Mom, this is my beer" Okaayy... don't know where she got that one from, considering we rarely drink beer! lol

Otherwise, I'm hurting. I went to the gym yesterday, for the first time in a week, and spent almost 3 frickin' hours there! Did 30 min eliptical, 30 min treadmill, some of it jogging. Jen and I spent the rest of the time doing some "different" exercises with a 12 pound medicine ball, and then some lunges,etc with some 5 pound weights. Can I tell you..I have muscles hurting that I didn't even know existed! Inner thighs, outer thighs, front of my legs, back of my legs, my arms, front and back, shoulders, and my butt! I think this is the first time I've actually been sore in the backside. I'm whining and complaining, but really, I *almost* like the hurt. At least I know I worked said muscles. Just hoping when I go back to the gym tomorrow, I hurt a tad bit less!

Mom and I finally decided on a bridal shower site! Have I mentioned this? Don't remember, but now that the deposit is down, we can start working on the finer details. Games, prizes, decorations, and favors.

Sunday we went to dinner at Jen and Roman's house. I measured out all my food, kept the portions controlled, and did really well. Until dessert. Roman made this oreo mud pie stuff, with all sorts of crap in it. Sugar, cream cheese, butter, pudding, cool whip, and of course, oreos. I didn't have that much, but calculated the WW points totally wrong. Then some was sent home with us, and I've been having a spoonful here, and spoonful there.(Put the rest in the garbage!) I don't want to screw up the week, but when I get to the point where I don't know what the points are for whatever I've eaten, I want to throw the whole week away. Just binge until weigh-in, and start over again. I'm trying so hard not to do that though. I can't let one food get me off track so easily. I seem to yo-yo back and forth so easily. It should be second nature to me now, but it isn't. Its a daily struggle. I hate it sometimes. Yesterday at the gym, I saw another WW member, who's been a lifetime member for many years now. She still goes to meetings twice a week, and told Jen and I how great we're doing. When she asked me how many pounds I had till goal, and I told her 38, she told me it was too much! I'm going to have to wait and see on that one though. I just can't see the next 25 pounds taking care of all my "trouble spots". I don't know..... at this point, I'm just rambling.

On that note, I should get something done around here. Hope everyone's week is a good one!


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