Monday, May 09, 2005

Love the warmth

This week we're supposed to be in the 70's! Yay!!! Could I possibly break out the shorts? Still feeling a bit self-conscience about my legs but gosh knows they've gotta look better than they did last summer!

Anyway, haven't mentioned it but child #2 has the chickenpox. Emilie got them around Friday, and so now we're down 2, and 2 kids still to go. I'm still halfway optimistic that Molly and Ryan won't get them, but the way it seems to be going, it looks like sooner or later those red spots will show themselves. Emilie is old enough to stay home for short periods of time now, so I haven't had to miss any work, although if Molly gets them , I'll be missing a few hours. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

I made a Dr. appt for tomorrow. Very, very, nervous, but both my Mom and Jen have reassured me that its probably nothing. It hasn't convinced me but considering the alternative, I'm hoping obviously that its indeed nothing. I haven't had any problems since Friday, so I'm trying to be optimistic. Let's hope I get sent in for a chest x-ray, everything is good, and I go from there.

I had mentioned in the post that I deleted that I bought the patch. Its sitting on the counter mocking me everytime I walk by. Quit date : Monday, May 16th. I'm actually impatient for it to come, but I'm taking this week to "prepare" myself. I think I'll have complete success if I'm prepared versus making a hasty decision. I normally smoke a pack a day, and I'm down to 10 a day. I'm practicing my techniques to get through cravings. Deep breathing, and otherwise occupying myself. Anytime I want one, I hold myself off. I see how far I can get. It might sometimes be 15 min, and other times, I might forget and go another few hours. I'm refraining from smoking in the "normal times" that I would light up. After a meal, with my coffee, after work. I was really proud of myself today. Normally when I get out of work at 9 am, I have a smoke on the way to the Y. This morning I made myself wait, and it wasn't too hard. And guess what? Gee, it was even easier to workout this morning?!? Go figure! Because I have asthma, if I don't use my inhaler before I exercise, my chest tightens up. I've always known that the smoking obviously factored into it as well, but I couldn't believe the difference!

So, I'm making progress. I know that it won't be easy, even on the patch, but if I can get to a good place before I start the patch, I'm hoping I won't freak out as much.

Please keep your fingers crossed that my Dr's appt goes well tomorrow morning! I need all the good vibes I can get!


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