Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Lazy days of summer

Not much going on around here. Just the way I like it! We're been laying low.... going to the beach, and to the park for the kids to run off some energy.

I went shopping yesterday... for myself and the kids, and bought myself a few things... either 3 or 6 sizes smaller. Depending on how you look at it. Its one thing that confused me, especially when people ask me how many sizes I've gone down. I don't know whether to count each sizes individually, or not. As an example(not my sizes)...from a 9/10 to a 5/ that 4 sizes or 2 sizes? LOL Regardless of what it is, I'm losing the sizes, which totally phychs me out!

We're getting a "new" computer! Technically, not brand new, but from Chris' work.... its gotta be better than this hunk 'o junk!


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