Tuesday, January 25, 2005

More snow?!?!?!

Just as we're finally digging out of this blizzard, and the roads are finally visible, we're getting more snow!

I was talking today to some of the gals from work, and we were all thinking we would have a mild winter. Heck, last month we had a Saturday in the upper 50's and it was glorious! But turns out it was just a delayed winter. From what I can gather from the various news stations, we're getting anywhere between 1-7 inches. Not a big storm by any means, but I know the total will fall towards the upper range, and it means that we won't have school tomorrow. On one hand, I'm ok with it, but on the other, I need the money! I'm ready for Spring! For the daffodils to bloom, to shed our winter coats, to feel the warmth of the sunshine! I have a feeling I still have awhile to go for that one though.

Otherwise, nothing much going on around here. I lead quite a boring life. Doing well so far on my eating this week, even resisting the temptation of cookies. Chris' birthday is on Thursday, so I'm trying to save my flexpoints for the cake. I'm contemplating making it with diet coke. It wouldn't be a big deal for Chris because he drinks diet coke, and it would make it moist and low in calories. We'll see. I also forgot to mention.... My future SIL joined WW! She's on week 2 right now and so far loves it! I'm excited, because it adds another person into our "support group". Support is so important while losing weight.... I think I probably would have quit by now if it wasn't for Jen.

Anyway, I'm rambling, and I should probably get the kids ready for bed. Chris is working yet another late night so its just me doing the bedtime routine.



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