Monday, July 05, 2004

can't think of a title

No really title to this post.... my mind is shot. So much to do, and never enough time to do it in! I noticed my mistake with the year on my last post too... only took me 3 days to

This weeks weigh-in showed a 1.2 pound loss! Pretty average, if I do say so myself. Total of 47 pounds now... not bad, but still a long way to go.

4th of July picnic was held at my brother and sister in law's house. It wasn't supposed to be, but my SIL has this thing of always having to have her own way. I decided ahead of time that I wasn't going to count my points, but I wasn't going to go crazy either. I think I did okay though. Since Friday my food has consisted of pizza, cake, mcdonalds, cake, cookout food, cake.. can you see the trend? It'll be interesting to see if I lose next Saturday or not. lol

Ryan and Emilie leave for camp on Wednesday. Kinda sad, kinda glad... mixed emotions this time. They went last year, but I drove them. I was able to walk them to their cabins, and say goodbye there. This year, I'll be putting them on a bus and saying goodbye. I won't be helping them with the transition. I'm kinda iffy about it. I'm sure they'll be fine, but I'm just going to wait and see. So , in the meantime, I have lots of laundry to do, lots of packing to do, and lots of last minute shopping to do.

Now if I could only LIVE in my air-conditioned bedroom, instead of breathing in the humid air, life would be perfect.


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