Saturday, January 22, 2005

WW weigh-in

I lost 3.2 this week! Sad to say, I'm still 2.4 pounds above what I weighed a week before Christmas. But I'm getting there, slowly but surely.

Last night at the grocery store I had a slight wavering of willpower. I was wandering the isles, trying to think of some snacky foods to get this weekend while snowbound, and got in the mentality of "I'll just take the weekend off, and start back on Monday". I mean, who wants to eat healthy food while watching a movie and snuggling in front of the fireplace? Not me!

But then what would happen is ,I wouldn't have a clue how many flexpoints I used eating all the crap, and so I'd be so frazzled I'd just take the whole week off. And then I'd GAIN! I don't want to gain. Jen's wedding is now 3 months away, and I can't afford to gain.

So I caught myself. I was right on the edge, ready to give in to my cravings, and figure, I can still have my cravings. Those pizza rolls I got? I'll only have 6, instead of eating out of control. The chips? I'll pull out my trusty scale, and measure out 1 oz. The movie theater butter popcorn? I will have to pass that up and eat my lowfat variety, that actually isn't too bad sprayed with fake butter.

In another 2 weeks, It'll be my 1 yr anniversary of starting weight watchers. I'm so close to goal. I CAN do this. I WILL do this!


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