Tuesday, January 11, 2005

An hour in the life of me

First of all, before I write was I was going to write , I wanted to mention a weird thing that just happened to me. I signed in to Blogger to write this post, and instead of my dashboard, I got a huge list of all these websites, as if they were my own! I was nice, because I could have gone into them and messed with the template and change settings and even write a post on them but I didn't. Isn't that just messed up?

Anyway...I have a joke to tell. Here it is!

Whats worse than driving a schoolbus full of 35 kids, while listening to Molly sing the dreidle song over and over and over again, and listening to the other kids sing jingle bells as loud as they can pretending they're cats?

I'm not sure what the answer is. lol I'm sure there are many worse things.... they could have been screaming, but at the moment, nothing else comes to mind.

Fingernails on a chalkboard, anyone?

What do YOU think?


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