Monday, January 10, 2005

Its gonna be a good week!

I'm really am phyched for this week. As far as WW goes anyway. WW was giving away exercise dvd's.... just a little 30 minute one. Jen and I agreed that we would either hit the gym or do the dvd every single day.

Yesterday, it was the gym. Chris stayed home with the kids while I went, and I got in a great workout! Today I was there again! Go me! Did 30 min of cardio and 2 sets on the weight machines. Tomorrow, I'll be home doing the dvd. I'm doing great with my eating, and I'm optimistic (fingers crossed) that I'll lose at least 3 pounds this week. I really want to lose at least 5 but don't know how possible that'll be, so I'm keeping it at 3. The reason why I'm so fired up to lose that much is because of my big gain these last few weeks. I want to get back down to the weight I was before Christmas.

Jen gave me a little "talking to" on Saturday, telling me it seemed like I was "falling off the wagon", and although she wasn't totally on the mark with that one, she's kinda right. I've been halfheartedly following the plan for a week, and unless she cracks down on me, I'd be stuck in a rut.

The countdown to the wedding begins..... 3 months, 13 days. I have this time to get myself in a condition to look good in a strapless dress. I want to lose at least 15 more. I think I can do it!


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