Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Way too damn cold for me! Granted, its not as cold as some parts of this country, but cold enough...thankyouverymuch! Below zero with the wind chill-the one not so good thing with living right on the water.

Yesterday we spent indoors all day long. I got a lot of stuff done, including deep cleaning the livingroom. The kids actually behaved for the most part, and we resumed work and school today. I've devised this great plan that I'm entirely too excited about. In addition to planning Jen's bridal shower I've decided to transform my basement into a family room/playroom! I've tried in the past to do this, but because of lack of storage it didn't work out. But I'm planning on moving our loveseat down there, in order to put my computer desk in the corner of our livingroom. We also have a recliner down there. We're possibly getting a new t.v. from Chris' work, and I'm planning on hitting Ikea for some storage containers and lighting, and possibly a coffee table. I'm either going to find or make some wooden shelves that will cover the majority of a wall for toys, etc. And I'm going to get crafty and make some curtains and who knows what else! So, thats my plan. We'll see if it actually happens though ;)

Otherwise, not much going on around here. Molly and I are hibernating until we go back to work this afternoon, and I'm crossing my fingers that my oil doesn't burn too fast with this cold weather!

Hope everyone has a great day!


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