Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Not enough time

There just aren't enough hours in the day, thats what it comes down to. I haven't posted since what, Saturday? And no time to do it. This is the first time I've even been on the computer for more than 5 minutes since I think possibly Monday. But I've got quite a bit of catching up to do, so here I go.

Saturday night... the bachelorette party! It was so much fun! I looked totally hot, and Jen looked even hotter. She wore this teal colored shirt, low cut and the whole bottom part of the shirt was see-through. Very tasteful though. I'm hoping for more time to work on the pictures, because I really want to post some. We met up with 4 other girls and almost everyone that I hadn't met already kept commenting how Jen and I look like twins. I take that as a complete compliment because I've always liked how Jen looks, and for people to say that I look like her made me feel so good! We never ended up going to the dance club thats at the casino because Jen was coaxed into drinking too many shots, but we hit the slots for a short while, and I actually won money! $125! I NEVER win money. Never. So I was very excited to see 450 quarters fall out of the slot machine. We stayed at a hotel near the casino and taking the shuttle to the casino at the beginning of the night we ended up riding with a bachelor party. All good looking guys from NYC. On the way back to the hotel (@3:30am!) we were waiting for a taxi and started chatting with a few guys that were also waiting for a taxi and going to the same hotel. They also happened to be there for a bachelor party and came from NYC, but not the same group of guys. We were chitchatting and Jen asked one guy what he did for a living. He was hesitant to say, but finally said he worked for Morgan Stanley. We just left it at that, but the first thing that popped into my mind was that Morgan Stanley was in the World Trade Center. It made me think that in some way he was involved, or had lost some co-workers or something. Since he was so hesitant to say I felt really bad that we had asked. Just very sad. Anyway, that conversation stood out in my mind.

We're coming down to the wire for the wedding. 10 days and counting! My sister is irritable, probably from nerves and stress. Most details are taken care of but this weekend we need to make 400 truffles for the favors so that should be fun. LOL I went to get my dress altered today and it was huge on me! They pinned the front, the sides, the back. Many, many inches. I asked her how many sizes she thought were being taken out, and she guestimated 2 1/2-3 sizes! Thats major! lol It felt so good! Lately I've been getting comments left and right on how I look and while it feels wonderful I almost feel undeserving. I mean, yeah, I look better, I'll admit that, but I don't think I look great. Its a self image thing..... I still see the "old me" with glimpses once in awhile of the "new me".

Until after the 23th my posts will most likely be far and few between, but hopefully I'll be back after all this wedding stuff is over.


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