Tuesday, April 05, 2005


I think spring has finally come a'knocking! Its so wonderful to feel the warmth of the sun on my arms. To weed my garden. To watch the kids play in the backyard without mittens on! To have daylight left after work. Makes me feel like singing. Makes me wish there were 36 hours in a day to get done all I need to get done.

Because of the time change, I keep forgetting how late it gets. I didn't feed my kids dinner last night until 7pm, and thats late around here. It'll take awhile to adjust.

Nothing much new around here. As I mentioned I've been weeding out my flower beds in the front yard. All my bulbs are starting to pop out of the ground. My tulips look strange though... not sure if moles or whatnot have eaten some of the bulbs? If they even do that? Or if the bulbs divide? I've got alot more shoots this year than I had last and they're teeny tiny so far. Last year only about half of my bulbs bloomed, but I think I read somewhere that sometimes they skip a year. Its something I'll have to research since I don't know much about perennials. I'd ask for advice, but I know I wouldn't get any ;)

My skin now sports a light golden tan. I tell ya though, I'll never make a habit of going to a tanning salon. It'll be worth it though, not to have white skin while wearing that strapless dress in a few weeks. lol Jen's bachelorette party is this weekend, and her and I are going to shopping tomorrow to find some *sexy* clothes to wear. I'm really looking forward to this weekend....out and about to feel young again, even though technically I still am. Out without the kids! Possibly the deciding factor :)

The kids have been outside so much! Mostly playing in the mud, but hey, whatever works. Its getting harder for them to do their homework, since they can be outside till after dinner.

Oh, and something I forgot to mention. Something I cannot (no matter how much I try) forget. Tomorrow I will be signing Molly up for Kindergarten!! My BABY is going to kindergarten. How unfair is that?? Of course, in some way I'm looking forward to next school year. No more preschool tuition, and I get the whole day, most of the day anyway, to myself. This has been a long time in the making. Although I've had some free mornings, this will be the first time in 12 years that I'll have 5 days a week with no kids. Don't get me wrong... I love my kids to death, but my Miss Molly in particular, since she's the only one not in full-time school, is a smart little cookie. If she was in kindergarten this year she'd be okay. She's not being challenged enough in preschool, so I know she's totally ready. But am I ready? I'm sure I'll get used to it soon enough. Anyways.......

I'm off to clean the house! Hope everyone is enjoying the sun!


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