Thursday, April 21, 2005

only 2 more days!!

I'm so excited for my sister, Jen! Two more days and she'll be married. I've been so busy lately, I haven't been to bed the last three nights before 3 AM!! Making the favors, making bows since I'm lucky enough to know how. Helping Jen shop for her honeymoon since she's so overwhelmed by now. Fielding calls from family members, since she's so stressed.

I still have so much to do. I shouldn't even be on the computer right now, but kinda needed a few minutes break from all the running around. I'll be headed up to the reception hall tonight to help set up table centerpieces. I still need to pack my bag for tomorrow night since I'll be staying in a hotel with Jen and Lisa. And I need to pack for the kids for Saturday night since we'll be staying at a hotel near the reception hall after the reception. Still need to buy shoes for the boys and Molly and find something to wear for the rehearsal dinner.

Jen and Roman just a few weeks ago got their engagement pictures taken, and Jen sent me the link to check them out. I bawled my eyes out!! LOL I'm just so happy that they are happy, ya know what I mean? I keep forgetting about one thing that I need to "research" so to speak. I need to give a toast and don't have a clue what to say! I thought about going the "funny" route, but that wouldn't work since I'm not funny. So I'll probably go the "sentimental route", but don't want it to be too sappy, plus I'll cry my eyes out regardless so I'm thinking short and sweet. I don't know, I'll think of something.

Anyway, just wanted to check in...gotta get back to doing my stuff. I probably won't get another chance to post before Saturday so wish me luck that I don't lose a shoe or something!!!!


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