Friday, June 04, 2004

Another Friday

Yup! It's Friday again! Week seems to fly by these days...although sometimes it seems to drag.

Not much going on around here this week. Seems like there's no time to post, and not enough hours in the day!

2 more weeks left of school... I can't wait! I can't wait to sleep in, to go to the beach, to just have more of a flexible schedule.

There's so many things I need to do. But, of course, before I can do any of it, I need to catch up on laundry, make sure the dishes are done, put away clothes. You know, all the fun stuff. By the time its done, there's no time left to do anything extra. I need to refinish the kitchen table before it gets too hot outside. Need to work on that quilt I'm making for Matt, since its supposed to be his "summer" quilt. lol I keep saying I'll do another page in my scrapbook.. never get around to that either! Grrr... makes me mad.

Not much going on around here. The kids are being typical monsters... always getting into something, fighting with each other. Same old shit.

Oh, one thing I did want to mention though. Something very sad happened on Wednesday night. I was talking to my sister on the phone. She had just gotten home and was talking to her 2 cats, while chatting with me. Apparently she sat on the couch, and her cat "Joe" jumped on her lap, and nuzzled her cheek. Then he went to jump down, and collapsed. My sister was hysterical. These 2 cats are her babies! "Joe" had stopped breathing. My sister is a nurse, and I encouraged her to try CPR, but it didn't work, despite many minutes trying. My sister is crushed. Joe had been a healthy, if hefty, cat. She couldn't imagine what had happened. Jen brought the cat down that night, and we buried him in the backyard. She talked to the vet yesterday, and he believes it was a "heart attack", although thats not the term Jen told me. I guess the valves or arteries leading to his heart, just closed. At least she knows now what happened, instead of wondering. And she did everything she could, and at least was there when it happened. Just very sad.

Anyway, just wanted to share that here. It's supposed to rain here all weekend, but if you're one of the lucky ones that gets a sunny weekend, have a great one!


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