Friday, June 11, 2004

Another Friday!

Happy Friday everyone!!

This week went by so fast. The kids on the bus are getting totally crazy, with the end of school coming near! I'm getting daily headaches from the noise and crazyness of it all. But they aren't bad or anything... mostly just stress headaches. After some very warm and humid temps this week, we're back in the 60's. Its kinda nice.. I'm in no rush for humidity, and sweating all the time! lol

A couple of weeks ago, I asked a girl I work with, who has 2 adorable little girls, and is in the process of getting divorced, and living with her Mom , if she could use some of the clothes that Molly has outgrown. So it took me almost 2 weeks to get everything together but I finally did, and gave her 3 huge bags full of stuff. Alot of the stuff from last summer, I was so relunctant to give to her, the only reason being they were so cute, I wanted to keep them! lol But Molly obviously has no use for them, and I won't be having any more kids, so I bit the bullet, and included them. I keep saying that I'm going to bring stuff to the consignment shop, but always miss the cut off date, and they sit in my basement for another year. Anyway, the last few days that I've seen her little girls, they've been wearing something that I gave her. It feels so good to have helped her out! I've strugged at times (even now!), and knowing that she's going to save alot of $$ she didn't have in the first place, makes me extremely glad I gave her all I had.

WW weigh-in tomorrow morning. I don't think I lost much, maybe a pound. Of course, thats something, and as long as I haven't gained, I'm okay. I'm getting increasing frustrated with the program. I don't have a hard time sticking to my points, and I rarely, if ever crave something other than pizza. Its just a feeling that I don't really know all the ins and out of it yet. Its a hit or miss thing so far... wondering if I've gained or lost, if I've calculated my points right, if I should be exercising more. It obviously is working so far, but I'm afraid of when I hit a plateau. I'll deal with it, when that happens, but I still have a long way to go. I guess I'm just wishing the rest will melt overnight, or I could just go get my liposuction and tummy tuck, and be done with it. Silly stuff. I'm not quitting, I'm still 100% with the program, still finding it easy, just want to see faster results....LOL

I'm at my sister's right now.. had to feed the cat while she's out of town. I should probably head out, so here's to wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!


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