Friday, July 09, 2004

Readers beware... I'm venting!

I'm so pissed off right now! I finally remembered to call child support this morning... actually just got off the phone with them. For anyone familiar with the "biological asshole", his name will now be "Jack", short for jackass. Thanks to my sister-in-law, Cyndi, for sharing this alternative with me!

"Jack" had told me 3 weeks ago, when I asked him if he had a job yet, that he had just gotten a job. I asked him where, he refused to tell me, but told me that he was working in East Lyme. He said he'd be paying child support on his own, versus the state having his wages garnished. I knew that he wouldn't keep up with it, so I told him that I was going to call the state and bring him to court. He said that was fine, but I'd get less if his check was garnished instead of him sending it in, because he wasn't making much an hour. I decided to give him a few weeks, just to see what would happen, and if he would send it in. Its now been 3 weeks, and I haven't gotten a cent. Not that I'm surprised... on the contrary, I knew it would happen. Guess he hasn't changed, like he's stated. Thats something I already knew though.

So I called up child support enforcement, and they haven't received anything. She puts me on hold, and comes back a minute later to tell me that they have an employer listed, and they'll send the paperwork to them. I asked her if she could at least tell me the town, since "Jack" had told me where he was working.

Again, not that I'm surprised, but the place listed isn't even CLOSE to where he told ME he was working! To top it off, he supposedly started this other job weeks before he told me he got a job!! I'm royally pissed! So now I have to wait 2 weeks and call back the state. By then they'll know whether or not he's actually working at this place they have listed, and if not, we'll have to start the proceedings to bring him to court!

I need money now! Chris just called me from work, and because of the $$ being taking out for health insurance he's bringing home $100 less. To top it off, I'm not working because school's out. I do get unemployment, but its less than 1/2 of my regular paycheck. We could really use the child support, even if its only $72/a week for two kids! What we could really use is the $$ he owes me. Now totally over $8,000!

Its a little easier knowing that its only going to be this way for another month and a half. Then I'll be back to work, and I'll be making more. But shit, when the kids need stuff, we need to find the money for it! They NEED a roof over their heads. They NEED food in their stomachs. When they NEED shoes, we can't wait 2 months, we NEED to find the money! Chris does make a decent salary, but we're seriously not going to have extra these next 7 weeks, and we'll be lucky if we make it. I would much prefer that "Jack" give up his rights, so that we can just do it on our own. He could pay off the arreage. I already know that he'll never change, and I've pretty much accepted that, but he picks the wrong times to screw up. I'm so tired of him not acting the "responsible parent" part. We're lucky enough though that the kids have 2 responsible parents that bust their butts for them. I'm so ready to give "Jack" a piece of my mind!

End of rant.


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