Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Its been awhile....

.....but I'm here and still alive. I actually didn't realize until I thought about it , how long it had been since I'd posted, and now I have so much to write about! I'll break it down, because we all know how I like to write long posts!

-weigh-in went okay....lost .6 Better than gaining, but I had just gotten my monthly friend.

-Went dress shopping with Jen, my Mom, the other bridesmaid(her friend from work)on Saturday afternoon. Jen has it down to 2 dresses....we're actually getting somewhere! I'm so excited for her! Both are strapless...one is on the simple and elegant side and the other is the "cinderella" type. Guess which one I like better? Yeah, she looks beautiful in the cinderella type gown, its perfect for her!

-Sunday was Day 1 of the Columbia Tournament for soccer. We were given 2 WHOLE DAYS NOTICE on it. Guess it was a last minute thing. Saturday's games were awesome! They won one, they lost one. Lost the 2nd game against a team they had lost against before. This team really should have been up another division...they are that good! We were told they had one game for Monday, unless they made it into the finals, in which case, they'd play an extra game. I didn't think anything of it, because I didn't know how it worked, since they had lost a game already.

- Monday, we're back up to the field. Minus Chris this time, since he needed to work. I figured we had one game, and we'd be home in time for me to watch my soap opera! I was wrong! They won their first game which put them into the semi-finals! The team was so excited! Their second game, they played an UNDEFEATED team, and won again! This game was a little more dramatic. The goalie for the other team got hurt, and had to be put on a backboard and brought to the hospital. and since he was moving a little, I'm assuming he'll be okay. But the time kept ticking.... no time-outs for us. By the end of the game, the score was still 0-0. Went into 2 5-minute overtimes. Still no score. Then went into "sudden death". Each team got a chance to make a goal, and we ended up winning! That put us into the finals! At this point, I had totally not prepared to stay this long, but was lucky enough to have some cash to get the kids something to eat. Then came the last game. Guess who we were playing? The same team that had beat us twice before! Can I tell you how stressed us parents had been during all these games? OMG, it was torture! To make a long story short, the final game was dramatic, but they did end up losing! The score was 1-0, but the kids played so hard! And Ryan makes one hell of a defense! All the parents were talking about him! He's small but fast, and has this way of kicking the ball right out of the way, and kicking it in the right direction! I'm pretty proud of him! These last few days have been very long, but very exciting, thats for sure.

-And that brings us to today. I have nothing planned. Nada. There's no school today due to a "teachers day" so the kids and I are just hanging out. I'm going to do some laundry, dust, mop the floor, and hopefully get out halloween decorations. Oh, and watch my soap. All of it. And thats a pretty big deal around here! LOL

Hope everyone has a great week!


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