Monday, September 27, 2004


This past Saturday a man was killed here in town. I grocery shopped on Saturday night instead of Sunday, and on the way home, stopped at a convenience store... it was around 11pm. Turns out that night around 3am a man came in and robbed the clerk on duty, and after he got the money, shot the guy in the face!

This is a major thing overall, but this kind of stuff doesn't happen around here! This is a relatively small town and the last time something was news-worthy enough it was months ago when Katharine Hepburn died. Besides the grocery store, there are only 2 convenience/gas stations that are open 24 hours a day. While driving by the gas station today, (or crime scene, I should say) there were news trucks and a cleaning service there, and finally hit home for me. I lost it right then and there. That man didn't deserve what happened to him.

The scary part about it is that the killer hasn't been caught. This is a community where doors are kept unlocked and you can feel fairly safe walking at night by yourself, but for me, not anymore. Nevermind the kids in school.... its just really scary!


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