Saturday, October 02, 2004

Another Saturday, here again

Another weigh-in today. I'm so glad I go to meetings... really makes me accountable, and the support is amazing!

Lost 1.8....for a total of, drumroll please.....60 POUNDS!!! Is anyone sick of hearing about my weightloss yet? Too bad. lol

In meetings everyone gets a star sticker for every 5 pounds lost, and today while "sharing" and receiving my sticker, I was asked how much I lost, and the whole room gasped. I did have to say I've lost 45 pounds, because that's how much I've lost on Weight Watchers, but oh how I wanted to say the full 60. I lost 15 pounds on my own before starting WW, but could only divulge the WW pounds lost while on program.

Otherwise on the homefront, talked to "biological asshole" today and I should get my first child support payment next week. Its about time. I also asked if he'd be able to give me half the cost of the soccer jacket I bought for Ryan, which ended up being $55...we'll see about that one. I need to run to the store soon to get the stuff for the spaghetti sauce, and need to clean up the house. I decided I'm packing up the kids' rooms. Everything except clothes, their beds and their bookcases. Then, MAYBE they'll be able to keep them picked up. Its a vicious cycle. Laundry gets done and folded but it can't get put away because there's nowhere to walk! So it stays in the livingroom, which in turn stays cluttered because of all the laundry. I can't stand it!

Wow, things really are exciting around here, huh?


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