Monday, January 03, 2005

peace and quiet

Gotta love it. As much as I simply adore my children, there's always something about getting back into routine.

Today wasn't too bad either. I usually despise Monday's... not just because its the beginning of a new work week but because I need to wake the little ones at 6 am and take them with me to work. Its usually the bouncing back and forth between the kids and Chris trying to wake them up. Then its the whining and moaning because of course, they don't want to wake up when its dark out! But this morning was different. I had a really bad night sleeping....both Matt and Molly climbed into our bed no less than 3 times. And of course, I was the one to get up and put them back in their beds. Matt was in our bed this morning when I got up but Molly had finally stayed in hers. While I was making coffee she stumbled out of bed headed to mine, and I called her into the livingroom. Turns out this little beauty of mine is happiest the earlier she wakes! She was all smiles and totally okay with staying up. I managed to get Chris up within 10 minutes and even got Matt up without him crying. We even made it out of the house with smiles on everyone's face! Usually on a typical Monday, Chris and I have had a mini-argument on something , and I end up completely frustrated.

Then after work I got to go to the gym for the first time in 2 weeks. Its amazing really, because I felt absolutely sucky these 2 weeks eating junk food, and because of feeling so bad, didn't feel "good". Make any sense? So the gym made me feel like my "new self" again. And then came home to a QUIET house! I loved it! lol Really, it doesn't take much to make me happy. ;)

I got dinner made early, did the dishes early, and even threw in a load of laundry. The day has been good to me. (Now if I could only stay away from the chocolate chip cookies!)

Anyway, thats about as exciting as it gets around here. I'm off to ready the kids for bed!


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