Sunday, August 07, 2005


Such a long weekend! My tag sale was a success!

I woke up at 6 am Saturday morning to start setting things up. Jen came over by 6:30 and we immediately started organizing things. My SIL Cyndi had come over on Friday with some of her things, and at 7 am Sat morning called to tell me she wasn't coming! Turns out her boyfriend threw out his back and she needed to stay to take care of him. I wasn't too happy about that. One reason why my sister was there was in addition to helping out, she was also putting out alot of her own things. And I told her if she didn't come that I was going to split her profit with her. Not that it was about the money, but putting everything out for a tag sale is hard. Its very physical, and I wasn't about to do all the work myself while everyone else sat at home and made a bit of money. So, needless to say, I did end up selling Cyndi's stuff, and gave her the money for it. I don't have a backbone really. Its hard for me to stand up to people and I'd rather just keep the peace. Alot easier that way.

Anyway.... like I was saying, we did really well. We were practically all set up by 7:30 am and leaving Jen in charge, I took off to put up all the signs, and stop in at WW to weigh-in. (lost 1.2 btw) We were practically busy all day, and I made over $100!!! Jen made $65 or so, and Cyndi $45. Not bad at all! I even got rid of many things I've been holding onto for a few years. We have about half of the stuff left, a few boxes went to goodwill and everyone's going to weed out their houses a bit more, and we might have another one next month.

So, I spent the rest of the afternoon packing stuff up, fed the kids, and when Chris got home we headed out to a local carnival. That was alot of fun too! We ended up getting the kids the wristbands instead of the tickets. Can you believe it was a $1 a ticket!?!?! All rides were 2-3 tickets each. But with the wristbands, the kids rode the rides over and over again. We finally left there by 11pm. What a full day! I was exhausted!

Today we did absolutely nothing. Too tired. Apparently with this yard sale I got the best workout that I've had in a long time. My entire body hurts! Every part including my butt! lol


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