I'll be the one selling the cucumbers
When I planted my garden a few months ago, I started a small plot. I've never really attempted growing anything edible and if it failed, well, at least it would be a small failure.
When all the plants started coming up, I was reluctant to thin the plants out. I mean, I was actually growing something, and I was going to pull up the plants? But I did, with the exception of the cucumbers. And of course, I didn't think they'd get as big as they have! These babies have spread like wildfire. They're climbing over the yellow squash plants, already on top of the cantalope plants and growing out onto the lawn. There are tons of cucumbers growing. Still in the small stage, but they're definitely growing! What will I do with all these cucumbers? I'm going to be on the side of the street throwing them through peoples car windows as they drive by! Either that or I need to find a creative way of eating them :)
My pumpkins have still been growing and finally are producing female flowers. With tiny little baby pumpkins underneath. But I'm disappointed. The one that I was keeping an eye on, fell off. Don't know if that means that the flower wasn't pollinated or not, so I might do a little hand pollination just to be on the safe side.
Anyway, boring talk about my garden. Weather is a bit better around here. We had an awesome thunderstorm roll through last night and the humidity broke although temps are still hot. Today we have family therapy at Rushford, Chris is working a half day, and I think we'll definitely go to the beach tonight. And I told the kids if they were good, we'd go to Dairy Queen afterwards. I also need to get a new battery for my camera. Seems I left the shutter open on the 4th of July and for some reason the batteries won't charge back up. And while I'm at the store I need to get new ink cartridges for the printer. I've been putting that off for way too long! Wish I could figure out why my printer won't scan. Just rambling now, sorry about that.
Anyway, I'm off to exercise... hope everyone has a great day!
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