Sunday, July 11, 2004

Birthday Blues

No more 20's for me. Kinda sad. Yeah, pretty sad. In only 10 short years I'll be 40! Its a long time away but we all know how the years fly by.

We did have a great night out Saturday night though. Went to Stash's, a bar usually classified as a biker bar. We had tons of fun! There were loads of people there from the fireworks display on the Thames River, so the place was packed. There was an awesome band playing that had our feet dancing and the drinks flowing! We left at closing and headed to Denny's for a late night snack.

We met quite a few interesting people to say the least. The guys of course, were all hitting on Jen, but I did get told many times that I only looked 25! Jen did make it a point to tell anyone and everyone within listening range that I was turning 30 though. I cringed everytime it was mentioned. Its not that I feel old, or look old, its just that I used to think when I was younger that it WAS old!

We finally left as the sky was growing light! Talk about a long night! I slept over at Jen's in order to sleep in, although it turns out it was for my surprise party!!

All my family, including my Dad (who never goes anywhere my Mom is) were waiting at my house for me! Turns out my wonderful husband cleaned the entire house, and slaved over the stove and grill making lots of food. It ended up being a wonderful birthday....if I could only forget what age I now am!

As soon as I figure out how to add a picture, I'll post a picture of last night. After seeing my new pics of last night, I realize how different I look since the weight loss.

Okay, and I might as well put out a plea for help. I know not that many people read this, but if anyone knows how I would go about posting a picture, could you possibly email me and help me out?

I'm outta here... heading to DQ for some good 'ol ice cream. Hope everyone has a great week!


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