Sunday, July 25, 2004

The dreaded plateau

I've hit a plateau. About 95% sure anyway as far as I'm concerned. I was sooo sure I was going to lose weight this week. I was damn good this past week... not going over my points, not using all my flex points. I gained .8! Even worse than last week where I gained .4, even though last week was my b-day week and I ate cake, and a blizzard from DQ, and all sorts of cookout food, along with baked ziti, with lots of cheese! I stood on the scale, and in disbelief saw the gain. Yeah, its not that much, but considering my average of 6-7 pounds lost a month, I've lost 1 pound this last month. I cried. The sissy that I am. I really should be happy that it wasn't more. Heck, my sister has had a MUCH harder time of losing weight than I have, and actually gained 2 lbs this week, so I shouldn't feel that bad. I need to just suck it up.

But , I'm wasting time here. I still have 55 pounds to go. Not a small goal. One thing I have noticed, is that, even though I'm sticking to my points, I haven't really exercised the month since school ending. Kinda hard to get to the gym with 4 kids, and a husband that works 12 hours a day. I'm making excuses for myself though. I could have walked the neighborhood with the kids, if they didn't dawdle, stopping at every bug, every crack in the road. If the sun wasn't blazing, with the humidity up to 100% , it would have been easier too.

So, I'm journaling EVERYTHING this week. Even the flex points that I don't usually write down. I have a goal to use my WATP dvd 3 times this week. I'm going to bring in my journal for my leader to look at, and see if we can get the ball rolling again. See if I can get this weight to start melting off again. If I keep going this way, I won't be losing my 30 pounds by the end of the year, like I want to.

In other news, it seems as if New England isn't the only part of the country enjoying this mellow weather. High of 68 today! Overcast skies, the threat of rain, I love it. Very comfy. Apparently this cool front has stalled on top of us, and I'm not complaining!

I have more to write about the biological asshole, or "Jack", but my fingers need a break. I hope everyone has a great Sunday!


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