Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Weird Day

Strange. Weird.

-Molly wanted relish. It was 4pm and I explained that it was past lunch and there wasn't any tuna made. So what did she do: she MADE her own relish sandwich! YUCK!

-Emilie threw a fit and tossed most of what was in her room into the hallway. I didn't give in, and told her she wasn't getting dinner or going to bed until it was done. Despite her whines of wanting help, I stuck it out, and she actually did it! I guess there's a 1st for everything!

-Because of her outburst and actual cleaning of her room, the entire house was CALM for the rest of the day!

-I was able to make dinner, read a little , clean a little, and RELAX! My sister called and she actually thought I was SLEEPING because I sounded so mellow.

See, I told ya! WEIRD! LOL


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