Saturday, September 18, 2004

Chilly Day

Not sure where to start. I've got so many random thoughts going through my head, and can't really put it into reading format, so I'll just start typing out things.

My sister refers to me as being Miss weather report. lol I like to watch the news, the weather in particular, to know what to expect from the weather. I'm not exactly addicted to the weather channel, because really I don't find them to be that accurate, but I usually stick to a certain news channel for all my updates. I need to know how to dress myself, and dress the kids so that they either don't freeze/sweat, you know what I mean? I'm weird, I know. So anyway, last night, I was watching the weather, and it was said that we had a cold front coming through, so along with the remnants of the hurricane, it was going to be cold. A high of 67 with rain. I wake up this morning, and it was 78 degrees and muggy! So, I dressed the kids in shorts and t-shirts, and headed to Weight Watchers, and while we were there the cold front came through and it dropped 10 degrees! Now I'm home and I've changed into pants, and most of the windows are closed. Our roads are flooded, the wind's making the rain come down sideways, and our swing in the back yard has already knocked over. We've had a thunderstorm, and lost power for a few minutes, but its okay cause I get to stay inside and do nothing all day long!

So WW, I lost .2 ........whoop ti doo! lol Better than nothing, but seriously, its really only 2/10's of a pound... but I guess its better than gaining! I know that maybe I've gained some muscle, and my cheese binge this week didn't help matters, but I'm feeling very healthy! I'm feeling strong and sure about myself, and I'm gung ho about sticking to points this week! My body feels more toned too.....whether its because I worked out alot this week or not, I feel as if I've lost inches, even though not pounds.

Right now, Matt and Molly are watching Santa Clause 2 in the living room. I absolutely love Christmas! Just the season of things.... not the receiving of gifts, but the music, the decorations, and the giving. Usually in this house, during the dog days of summer, when it feels like its going on forever, and we're all dripping with sweat, we turn on Christmas music! We dance around to it, and it makes us all happy! As much as we stress about finding the money for Christmas and not going broke, it truly lifts our spirits! I've been searching ebay for some cross stitch stockings to make for the younger two kids.... both Ryan and Emilie received handmade stockings when they were babies that my Grandmother had made, but Matt and Molly have the generic I figure if I can find the kits cheap, which I have, and I get them, I might just get them done by Christmas! Plus, I'm looking into getting the patch within the next month or so, so doing the stockings to keep me busy will hopefully help with that.

Okay, so I've seriously rambled today! Enough is We've got Ryan's soccer game tomorrow, and I hope everyone else has a great Sunday!


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