Friday, October 29, 2004

Friday Mayhem

It can only get better. It can only get better. I'm visually reminding myself of this fact.

Last night the older kids decided it was about time to start their book reports that were due today! They've known about them all month, and I've pushed them every goshdarned day to start them, but did they? NO. I can remember doing the same thing when I was a kid....always wait till the last minute, whether it was a project or a book report, and staying up late to do it. It must just be a kid thing..and I'm trying to figure out a way to get next month's report started a little earlier. I'm hoping anyway.

So I allowed them to stay up no later than 11pm. They do need to deal with the consequences if its not completed, but maybe they'll learn? Chris wanted them to go straight to bed, but I'm hoping when they're tired today, they'll remember that next month!

So, this morning, I had everything set. Crackers and cheese were in the fridge for me to cut up this morning for Molly's party at preschool. Matt's costume was already in his backpack ready to go. I had to wake Emilie up early to finish the damn report, and set off to work feeling fairly confident that everything was under control.

Of course, it wasn't.

In the mornings, Chris meets me at my layover to give me Matt and Molly. He gets them all up and dressed, and makes lunches. He drops them off and I find out from him that Matt doesn't have his costume in his backpack anymore.... he tried it on again this morning. Molly's costume was never put in her backpack, so its at home too. Had to run home after work to get both. Chris had also brought the cheese and crackers, not knowing I still needed to cut the cheese. I figured I'd do that before I go back for her party though. I dropped Molly off, and found out the party was right after the parade! Not closer to picking her up as I had thought! So , I ended up missing the party, didn't contribute the cheese and crackers, and raced to the elementary school to get Matt's costume in on time. I ended up leaving the preschool without saying goodbye to Molly, which made me feel like a horrible Mom!

But now I'm home. Matt and Molly have a halloween party to attend later on tonight, and I'm taking Ryan and Emilie with me shopping at the outlet mall to hopefully find them some clothes. And I can't even say that my weigh-in for tomorrow will be good.... oh well!

It can only get better. It can only get better.


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