Monday, December 20, 2004

Snow Day!

We're home from school today! Which works perfectly because Monday's are horrible, and now I'll be home to get lots of baking done! Of course, I still need to go to the store to get the ingredients, so it won't be much fun to take the kids with Its way too cold to let the kids go outside too. We're getting wind gusts up to 40 mph, and its just better off they stay inside. Too bad we're supposed to get rain on Thursday, or we might have ended up with a white christmas!

Got some Christmas shopping done yesterday... not as much as I was hoping, but I'm a little closer to finishing. Chris will be off on Wednesday, so I'll probably be out all day finishing then. Chris' car is finally fixed! Took my brothers 8 hours to do it, and they didn't run into any problems. Oh yeah, about Christmas. Molly wants the Dora talking house. I'm probably one of the last people to know that they're sold out EVERYWHERE! LOL I guess thats what I get for starting my shopping late! I'm jumping back to my brothers. They won't take $$ for fixing the car, even though we wouldn't be able to give them anything till February. But I want to do something special for them, just to show my appreciation. Any ideas?

Lost 2.2 at weigh-in this past Saturday. Brings my total to 70 POUNDS lost! I'm losing alot slower now, which I've heard is expected. I'm only 30-35 pounds to goal, but I just keep truckin' along. I won't be going to weigh-in or meetings till after the new year, and I'm hoping I don't gain too much! LOL

Today I'll be making chocolate truffles (yum!) and fudge, along with this chocolate bark stuff for Christmas presents. I'm going to give it to family, teachers, and the mailman. It'll be easier to make things in bulk, and I'm thinking cheaper, plus they're kinda "gourmet". Works for me!

Note to self: send Christmas cards before Christmas!


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