Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Thank you

All said in humorous sarcasm.....

Thank you, my future brother-in-law Roman, for making tons of fudge and white russian brownies that incidentally have alcohol in them. And thanks for leaving the majority at my house on Christmas Day. My favorite is the toffee fudge that just happens to have little crunchy bits of toffee on top that melt in my mouth. My kids thank you because their Mommy has been taking care of them with a little buzz because of those yummy alcohol-laden brownies. Of course, that could be the sugar.

My hips also thank you. Because without all these delicious treats I wouldn't have gained just that little extra to make my holiday oh-so worth it.

And while I'm at it....thank you, my wonderful husband Chris for NOT taking all these sweet treats to work with you, like you did with all the leftover cookies. I keep telling you to, but you haven't yet. It must be a sign.

I apparently have absolutely NO willpower.


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