Saturday, December 25, 2004

Crazy Week

Its been a crazy, from hell week. But a good kinda "crazy-hell-of-a-week-but-it-wouldn't-feel-like-Christmas-if-all-was-calm" kinda week. Its all part of it, ya know? The hustle, the bustle, fighting the crowds,etc.

I've been baking all week long. Truffles, fudge, several kinds of cookies, and then making more batches of all the same. I was up till 3 am on Wednesday night, and Thursday night went out on the town with the intentions of finishing my shopping. I met my sister at the mall for a quick bite that turned into a shared dinner and flirting ;) with a few guys at the bar. Jen and I parted and headed in different directions to finish shopping. I had a game plan. Mall closed at 11pm. Stayed there till 10:30. Toys R Us closed at 12midnight, stayed till midnight. Drove over to the open-24-hrs Wallyworld and stayed there till 2am. Drove myself crazy looking for tins for my Christmas goodies. Came home and decided I was WIDE AWAKE and made some cookies and washed some dishes. Crawled into bed at 4 am!

I had finished shopping for the kids, but still needed to finish up a few adults, so Friday morning headed out with the little ones in tow to battle the crowds. And as much as its a pain to find a parking spot and squeeze through isles packed with people, its so much fun! The Christmas music, the excitement in the air, the rushing to get it all done, it just wouldn't be Christmas without it.

Came home, finished last minute cookie wrapping, and went to our Christmas Eve celebration at my family's house. A fun time was had by all, although the mood was a bit somber because of my Aunt's death earlier in the week. We have a traditional toast that was started 35 years ago. Its always at the end of the evening, and we all have our own glasses, and for the family members that are no longer with us, their glasses stand filled on the mantle to remember them. Its a time to remember our lost loved ones, to make any announcements, and just share anything of importance. It was sad to have to add in our remembrance of Aunt Maddie, but it all meant alot.

We came home around 11 last night and put the kids to bed while I cleaned up, and Chris and I actually only had to stay up till 2:30 wrapping...not bad for us! lol

Oh yeah, and when we came home last night there was a bag of gifts on our back porch! All from Santa! We still don't know for sure who left them, but we figure it was Jen and Roman. It was so nice, and such a surprise! All marked "from Santa" and several things for all of us. The kids got clothes and a toy and Chris and I even got a few things. Can I tell you how hard it was to not peek? I was excited for opening presents this morning, because I was dying to know what "Santa" brought me! Christmas morning in our household is always a blast. 4 very anxious children waiting so patiently for their turn opening a gift. But everyone was pretty happy with what they got!

We went to visit with my Dad, and came back home to have a "family" Christmas with my Mom, and all my siblings with their significant others and kids. It was nuts! My livingroom was packed with people and presents, but it was such a blast! The funny thing is..... I made so many treats and alot was brought over, but everyone was so stuffed from dinner, the desserts were barely touched! Jen got me a 1 month tanning certificate for a gift, of course to be used right before she gets married. lol One less expense for me!

And last but not least.... my brother Bob proposed to his long-time girlfriend Mercy!! And she said Yes! I'm so excited for them, even though Mercy isn't my favorite person (its taken me awhile to get used to her) He's the last one, and my youngest brother to take the plunge.

I hope everyone has had a Very Merry Christmas!


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