Wednesday, June 01, 2005


I went to Matt's field day today, and it was so cute! It only lasted about an hour or so, but it was definitely worth skipping the gym for. And check it out.... Matthew is a pro with the hula hoop! 000_0251

Tomorrow I need to go to court, once again, for child support. The B.A. moved to North Carolina two months ago, came back up to deal with this child support stuff- (apparently he's only being left with $60 a week...yeah right!) But last Friday the jerk called me at 6 AM to cancel for Saturday morning because he was "needed" back in N.C. What the heck? He can't afford to pay child support, but he can afford to take multiple trips to and from N.C.?? And we all know, these days gas is NOT cheap. Anyway, he's supposed to be seeing the kids every Sat. again until after July 4th, when he goes back "home".... thank goodness. Course, then it'll take another 2 months for the kids to adjust again.

Not really feeling the whole blog thing anymore. It might be because I'm pms'ing right now, so really when it comes down to it, i'm bitchy and don't want to talk to anyone or deal with anything. Makes it even "better" to not smoke while dealing with this hormone crap. Grr.... I guess I just don't have much to say really, and don't really have the time to blog. I know once the summer comes around that I'll have more time, but not sure what I'm going to do for now.


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