Saturday, September 25, 2004

Just another day..... paradise. Same 'ol shit. Take care of kids, laundry, grocery shopping, breaking up fights, paying bills we don't have the money for. Gotta love it.

Have hardly gotten the chance to get online. I was hoping to update a few days ago, and just didn't have enough time. Things have been crazy around here as usual, and since I now have 2 pre-teens who enjoy playing games online, it cuts down on MY time to play around!

So, Weight watchers this week I lost 2.2.....nice and average. I'm almost 60 % to my goal, and by next week, IF I lose at least 1 pound, I'll have lost 20 PERCENT of my body weight... its just mind boggling!

Today, when the biological asshole picked up the kids, I asked him about his possible job, and he got it. Thank goodness. Which means, if he's telling the truth, I'll start getting child support in a few weeks. He also mentioned to Ryan, the possibility that he'll be moving to North Carolina. I know it probably wouldn't happen, but can I tell you how AWESOME that would be? He told Ryan that they might be moving, and the asshole was hoping he'd get the kids a month in the summertime. I had to say something right there and then to him about that. That's not something you tell a kid! That's something he should have discussed with me BEFORE mentioning it to a 10 year old. First of all, he probably won't move, and second of all, if he does, him and I need to speak about it and come to an agreement! But, all I'm focused on is getting some child support...the guy's in serious arrears and needs to pay the $36 a week per child that's court ordered (even though we know that $36/wk covers jack shit!) But its better than nothing.

Okie dokie, thats all for now! I must make my time count while everyone's snoozing, so I hope everyone has a great weekend!


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