Monday, November 01, 2004

Just because I should

If I didn't write a post today, I know that I'd probably make it to Wednesday or Thursday before having the time, so here we go!

We had a blast treat-or-treating yesterday...well, the kids did. Higher than normal temps made the walking more comfy than if we were bundled in our winter coats. It was a good excuse for me to get in some exercise, although this week the temptations are going to kill me. I've had my fair share of the chocolatey goodness that fell nicely into my weekly flexpoints, but I gotta slow it down. Which of course, means have the kids eat it as fast as they can! lol

As we walked the neighborhood I thought alot about last Halloween when Liz and her family joined us before their unexpected move to Iowa. The kids had so much fun! Its now been almost a year, and that was one of the last times we saw each other, and last halloween will always remain a memorable one for us.

Because halloween was on Sunday Chris was able to be home, and had my sister and I laughing at his interesting get-up. Just a curly-girly wig and lots of blood oozing from his eyes, his nose, his mouth. Truly a sight to see! And one of these days I'll post the pic. Unfortunately, its still in my sister's digital camera, and until she unpacks the wires she can't send it to me. But... maybe within the next week or two I'll post a family one. I'm crossing my fingers that I get the digital camera thats on my christmas list, and then I won't have to worry about getting it from Jen.

Thats about all for now. I burned 380 calories on the eliptical this morning and I'm looking forward to hitting the gym twice more this week. Maybe that'll make up for the candy? ;)


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