Thursday, November 11, 2004

So much to write about

Thats what happens when I post only twice a week! LOL

Since Jen has moved closer, we've been working out together. Its been great to have someone to talk to while on the elliptical! The gym has magazines, but its pretty hard to read while moving that fast, and the t.v. they have stays on CNN all the time! That gets boring fast. Because of Jen's work schedule she's not always able to go the same days I go, so I sometimes go more than 3 times a week...that should get the weight off! So yesterday, we were at the gym for 2 HOURS!! We both did 2 sets on the weight machines, along with 30 minutes on the elliptical, and my body is killing me! My arms hurt, my legs hurt, and I'm hoping they feel better by tomorrow, since I'll be there yet again.

I had a trip today for work, and was gone from 6:45 this morning, till 4:30 this afternoon. Talk about a long day! Chris only worked half a day, and had started dinner which was really nice. He folded the laundry. He WASHED the dishes! He came in here while I've been online and gave me a foot rub! And now he's helping the kids pick up their rooms?!?!? Who is this man and where is my husband? Although I'm betting that he's looking to get laid tonight!! LOL

Back to the gym tomorrow while Molly's in school, then out shopping for more winter clothes for the kids. Work in the afternoon, then over to my brothers house for pizza. I have to remember to make a salad so that I'll only have one piece. With weigh-in on Saturday morning, the sodium in the pizza would make me retain water, so its a necessity to have only one piece!

Ryan has a soccer tournament ( last soccer games of the year!) In Rhode Island this weekend. Both days. We can't afford to stay overnight and pay for eating out so we'll be driving back and forth both days. I feel so bad for Ryan though... its going to be freezing! I think high in the 40's, plus tomorrow night, we have a chance for a little snow. My poor kiddo! I'm going to do my best to bundle him up the best I can. So, the week is packed, the weekend is packed, and then back to work on Monday. I'm sooo looking forward to all this. lol

Hope everyone has a great Friday!


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