Sunday, December 05, 2004

Just another day

This is going to be another mish-mosh of updating. I really really want to update more often, just don't seem to have the time. 'Tis the season!

Lost an even 5 pounds at weigh-in yesterday! I figure the gain last week was a combo of the food from Thanksgiving and pms bloat. Now I have a "game plan" for the rest of December. Especially with all the christmas cookies and parties to attend, I know that I'll probably gain the week after Christmas, and I'm okay with that. Just have to try to minimize the damage as much as possible.

Livingroom walls are finished with the painting. I've worked on the trim and baseboards the last few nights and they're almost done! The tricky part I'm working on right now is around my front windows. 3 large panes of glass with lots of nooks and crannies. But, I finally broke down and bought more tape so its going a bit faster that it had been. We painted the walls this oatmeal kinda color. Very subtle....almost like an antique white. Then the trim is a bright white. The contrast is awesome! Kitchen has been done, but the green I bought didn't match the curtains. I didn't realize it until the curtains were washed and back up, so I need to buy a new shade of green. I figured it was either that or buy new curtains, and really, it would be cheaper to buy the new paint! lol

Today the plan is to put up our Christmas decorations! The weather is cooperating and will be in the 50's for Chris to put up the outside lights, and it'll take quite awhile to put up everything inside, but then it'll really feel festive! I think we'll have to hold off putting up the lights in the windows, considering they're not done being painted yet. But its an inside job so it can be done at some point this week.

Matthew's birthday is this Wednesday! I really can't believe he's going to be 6 years old! He's of course super-excited! Every birthday the birthday kid gets to pick out the dinner. Matt's having a hard time deciding, but I think he's settled on Mcdonalds! lol I swear, I'm almost positive he likes something other than cheeseburgers as his favorite meal! Oh well... its his choice. He gets pretty specific too. He wants a ice cream cake, with power rangers on it or something. Don't know if that one will happen. I asked him what he wants for his birthday. Do you remember The Christmas Story movie? The one where Ralphie wants the beebee gun, and everytime he's asked he says it super fast? Thats Matthew, but for Matt its "Spidermantripleactionwebblaster". He then goes on to basically repeat the commercial that says "it can shoot webs, water, and missles" Too cute!

Next weekend we'll get our Christmas tree. I'm really looking forward to that. I wanted to get it this weekend, but it'll be going in our front window. Right exactly where our heaters are. I have bad luck with trees. They don't like to drink water for me! We'd have a mountain of needles under the tree by Christmas if we got it today.

I've done a little Christmas shopping. Not even a dent has been made yet though. I've written a detailed list of what bills need to be paid, and when they need to be paid... just so that we have the $$ for Christmas. Stress, stress,stress. I was supposed to go out last night to the outlet mall with a gal-pal to at least get a few things, and wouldn't ya know.....Chris got out of work late! Never fails. I was pissed! He called me when he was supposed to already be home...and he works 45 minutes away! He just doesn't get it. Yeah, I could have gone today, but I already have a million and one things to do today. Heck, he doesn't mind. Its ME that has to do it all! Anyway, I ended up going on my own, seeing my friend there, going out for coffee and back to her house for some wine. It ended up being a good night after all! Julie's a really bad influence though..... she made me eat chocolate! LOL

So, thats all thats blog-worthy around here. I'm taking today to relax as much as possible. Going to get my grocery shopping done early, and work on the decorations and painting.

Hope everyone has a great week!


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