Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Not my baby anymore

Matthew officially turned 6 today! It seems like just yesterday I gave birth to him. Isn't that always the way? One day they're a snuggly newborn in fuzzy socks and christmas jammies, and before you know it, they're running around acting all big and macho. His 6 year molars are coming in, he's playing the "big boy" games, and calls me "Mom" most of the time. He still has him moments where I hear "Mommy" and he actually wants to snuggle with me, but most of the time he's a rough and tumble little boy! He writes me little notes now that he's learning to read and write, and gives me silly yet precious little pictures made especially for me! Although we never forget the day our children are born, things have a tendency to fade from our memories. I wish now that I wrote down the minute details....stuff that now, 6 years later, I can see in my head, but can no longer put into words. The day he was born the weather was so beautiful! Mild temperatures, especially for the northeast...typical temperatures for early spring. I was 2 days before my due date but because ultrasound had shown him to be an almost 9-pounder, and Ryan and Emilie were 6 pounders, were were concerned I'd have problems delivering him. I ended up having a 15 hour labor. I made it to 7 centimeters before having the epidural. And then ended up pushing for 3 hours. It was his big head. lol Ended up having a forcep delivery that was extremely painful, because they had lowered the epidural so I could feel to push. No matter what anyone says, it hurts to have those metal "spoons" inside you know where! But all in all it was uneventful. He weighed in at 8 pounds , 4 ounces, and of course, was beautiful! He spent his first Christmas as a 2 week old snuggled in his Mommy's arms. Now he's getting bigger and bigger by the day. He was SO excited to have his birthday! He was convinced that overnight he would grow a few inches! He ended up getting everything he wanted, including the spidermantripleactionwebblaster. We had a family get together here tonight to celebrate, and everyone had a great time! Happy Birthday Matthew!


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