Life in pictures
Busy days all around. With the end of school coming, we've been non-stop go,go,go. Always a good thing, but its nice to have a little downtime as well. Here's a bit of whats been going no specific order, because that would require brainpower....First, we've got Molly's final day of preschool...actually a little "graduation", but not formally with little hats and stuff...playing shy, of course, but my cutie pie all the same... Daddy was even able to come!
Matt had his "Author's tea" He made his own little book....written and illustrated, and although I had to miss it because of work, Chris was able to go. Matthew was very proud of himself! There was also Kindergarten Beach Day! What chaos! But so much fun! The kids technically weren't supposed to swim, but because of low tide, everyone got drenched!
Molly insisted on wearing this cute little outfit, even eventually getting soaked to the skin. My little diva didn't mind in the least!
Although I don't have pictures, last night Ryan had his D.A.R.E graduation. That was alot of fun, but very long. Everytime we have a school fuction such as this to go to, it makes me feel so great that the kids are in this school system. The police officers had put together a slideshow of all the classes and the entire grade, put to music. It was just so awesome. There's just such a sense of community and togetherness. They all received certificates and t-shirts, and you could really tell it made an impact on them. We did take pictures, but something is up with my camera....they all came out either dark or blurry. Need to look into that. With Emilie, she had a walking field trip to "the point". About a 2-3 mile walk. They stopped at the cemeteries that have history in our town, and learned alot of interesting facts. Its funny, because I remember doing that as a kid! Otherwise, nothing much else going on. I'm preparing for court, and getting increasingly nervous. I didn't cancel for this Saturday with the B.A., because I thought it might look bad for me at court, and he doesn't need any ammunition, thats for sure. Summer vacation is coming...yay!!!
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