Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Getting down to business

Lately, I've been contemplating whether or not to continue blogging. Its such a great outlet at times, but more often than not, I don't have much to say. At times I need to be careful of what I write, because of people who may or may not be reading.

What it really comes down to, is that I don't really know who is reading this. I'm not the best at leaving comments on others blogs, because I tend to get into this mode of reading and catching up but forgetting to leave comments because I get in this streamline of reading one and going on to the next. But honestly, everyone loves comments and I'm no exception.

And I know that most of the time, what I write is very uninteresting. I'm boring, really. I look at my title, and realize that my life is crazy because of my lack of discipline and structure regarding the kids. Its not crazy because I'm involved in so many things, thats for sure.

So here's what I want you to do. If you just come by once in awhile, or come by all the time, or are here for the first time, leave me a comment. Just this one time. Even if you've commented in the past, drop me a quick hello. All you have to say is "hi". Really!

Just let me know if you come here. Thats all I'm asking. I'd like to continue blogging, but if not many stop by here, I might as well keep a paper journal. Just not sure at this point what I'm going to do.


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