I'm sick with a cold. I can't even remember the last time , so I'm guessing I was really due for this. By Monday, Chris was coughing and blowing his nose. By Tuesday I had a little bit of a cough...just enough to feel it in the back of my throat, although that was all I had. Then boom, it hit me. I'm so fricken miserable! Its so bad that I'm going to the Dr's tomorrow if it keeps up. Last night both Matt and Molly climbed into bed, and no matter how many times I returned them to their own beds, they kept coming back! And you know when you're sick, one side of your nose gets stuffed up (at least mine does) so I end up flipping from side to side in bed to clear my nose. Couldn't do that with both kids in bed. Needless to say I didn't sleep at all last night. My lips are already chapped and my chest is so congested I feel like I'm gasping for air.
I keep trying different over the counter meds to see what will at least take the edge off for me, and so far nothing is working! The one good thing about this is that I don't want to eat. Maybe finally I can get back to losing weight again.
Sorry I ended up whining about this. Its kinda all I can think about since ,you know, I can't breathe. I'm hoping I'll start feeling better by tomorrow!
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