Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Adding a little craziness

When at the fair last weekend, we lost Molly. Very scary moment, although it was for only a minute or two and she was smart enough to stay right where we left her. And we were lucky enough for another mother to have calmed her down and stay with her until we found her.

Tonight we went to the concert on the green in town. It was a little thing for the "class of 2018",(omg!) and after the concert all the little 5 and 6 years old that were present, posed in front of the town hall with the principal. There was a pretty big crowd surrounding the group of kids, and I told Molly to go in between some legs to get to the group of kids. After I sent her through, I moved to a different spot because I couldn't see. Turns out she went back into the crowd looking for me, and I wasn't where she had left me! Although I didn't technically lose her this time, her poor little 5 yr old face was so sad and teary, I practically cried myself.

Seems lately, wherever we go, I'm having to ask constantly, "where's Molly?", just to make sure she doesn't go out of my sight again. And to boot I feel like a horrible mother for letting her get lost in the first place. I'm feeling that I need to tie her to me, just so that she doesn't wander off! Either that or have 4 sets of eyes on my head!

I think I'll stick close to home for the rest of the summer. Safer that way.


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