Monday, June 27, 2005

Ghost or fire hazard?

For the last few days we've gone without power in the master bedroom, one wall of the girls' room, the hallway and half the bathroom. It had happened quite a few months back as well. All of a sudden, the power goes out. Only in those select places though. We have a fuse box (I know, the horror!) and Chris has checked the fuses over and over again, but there's nothing wrong with them. The last time it happened, the power came back after 12 hours or so, and we haven't had anymore problems up until a few days ago.

The power went out and has stayed out until tonight. We have a call put out to an electrician and he'll be hopefully coming by tomorrow to check it out. The weird thing is this: tonight, not 5 minutes after calling the electrician back and leaving a message, Emilie calls out from bed "Mom, a ghost just turned on my light". Chris and I went running down the hall, because if her light is working that means our lights in our room are working too. And not just the lights, but we've been going without an A/C amd fans for the last few nights- and it sucks to sleep in this humidity with no air flowing!

So, chances are very high that its an electrical problem and not a ghost. And its scary knowing that its also a fire hazard. Something's going on with the wires, somewhere. My mom mentioned to me that the first time it happened, before we moved in, she had an electrician come look and couldn't find anything wrong. But there obviously is. My mom has been planning on getting the whole house rewired, and I think she needs to get that done a.s.a.p!


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