Well, Happy Easter!
Its been a great day spent with family, but my enjoyment has been shadowed by a terrible thing that happened right down the road.
Saturday morning, I was headed to WW and one of the houses on my street had two police cars parked in front. I wondered what was going on, because that's one of my bus stops, and I pick up and drop off a second grader. Heading home from WW there were more cars along with a paramedic truck. Then more police cars, a state police investigation unit, you name it, it was on our street. They weren't giving out any information to anyone who asked. We had to wait for the news to come on that night.
Now, I knew there was an older couple living there, and a young couple with the 2nd grader and a new baby. And again, had no clue what was going on. Was it a murder? Was it the 2nd grader, one of the parents, the older couple, the baby? It was all speculation.
Finally the news came on. The baby had stopped breathing and was unable to be revived. My God, the horror I felt! I felt as if I was free falling. I could only put myself in the parents position. I felt as if I was having a panic attack. I was snapping at the kids, and couldn't pull myself together because I was thinking of the grief the parents must be going through at the moment.
Turns out the cars and trucks were parked on the street all day waiting for a search warrant. Looking for clues, and I have no idea if thats customary or not.
I ran out to the grocery store at about 9 pm last night, and took the long way around, instead of going down my road and having to pass it all. I still had to pass our street though and the news crews, spotlights, and satellite dishes were making me nauseous. The tears started rolling. I've spoken a few times to the mother, and the 2nd grader is an adorable and sweet child. What were they going through right now? This family had just lost a child. Personally I don't think it was anything they did. It had to been SIDS. Their home was taped off with crime scene tape, they were unable to go home. They had to stay away from the house, knowing that there house would be ablaze with lights, and being searched top to bottom.
The autopsy was today. They're saying the results won't be available for a few weeks. I'm just so sad over this. I can't help but put myself in the mother's position. Their lives will be forever changed. My heart goes out to them!