Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Lazy days of summer

Not much going on around here. Just the way I like it! We're been laying low.... going to the beach, and to the park for the kids to run off some energy.

I went shopping yesterday... for myself and the kids, and bought myself a few things... either 3 or 6 sizes smaller. Depending on how you look at it. Its one thing that confused me, especially when people ask me how many sizes I've gone down. I don't know whether to count each sizes individually, or not. As an example(not my sizes)...from a 9/10 to a 5/ that 4 sizes or 2 sizes? LOL Regardless of what it is, I'm losing the sizes, which totally phychs me out!

We're getting a "new" computer! Technically, not brand new, but from Chris' work.... its gotta be better than this hunk 'o junk!

Monday, June 28, 2004

Its gonna be a loonnggg week

Yep, I can already feel it. The kids were fighting by 8 a.m., and all I wanted was my coffee!

Chris had his work picnic yesterday, and while holding a brand new baby should have kept me busy instead of eating, I ate a whole heck of alot! A low fat hot dog was a good choice, but I chased it with a cheeseburger. The fruit was a good choice, but had to have a handful of chips afterwards. I only took a small amount of pasta salad, but the leftover bowlful at bedtime was not a good decision to make. While the 1st pina colada wasn't bad, it was soo good, I had to have another! LOL Can't change what I did though, and I did use flexpoints, but I didn't want to use the majority of them. During the week, I stay on points easily enough, so I'll just have to be extra good, and maybe, just maybe I'll have another loss on Saturday.

I have plans, yet again, to go out this weekend! Its crazy! LOL I'm not one to go out every weekend, but it just keeps working out that way. I've gone out the past 2 weekends, and this coming weekend there's an awesome band playing at the dance club, so we're going, and then the following weekend is my birthday, so I'm going out then too. If anything, this is what keeps me sane all week! And because a trip I had planned fell through, I have extra money to spend.... heck, maybe I should buy myself something to wear!! lol

Only other thing I need to do this week is file my unemployment. I forgot last week, so unless I can get it backdated, I just missed out on a week. Not happy with myself.

Anyway, I'm outta here... hope everyone has a great Monday!

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Saturday weigh-in

It was an okay weight loss week. Only lost .8 which is at least still a loss. Probably had to do with all the water i'm retaining, so I'm not too worried. But I got quite a few compliments today from people I haven't seen in awhile, which boosted my confidence! Just hanging out with the kids cleaning today, so I'm bored out of my mind! Maybe I need to get out of the house tonight and feel young again! Hope everyone has a great Saturday!

Friday, June 25, 2004

Ah, the beach

We went to the beach today! We had so much fun! I went with the kids, and met my SIL with my nephews and Jen. We spend close to 5 hours there, and it was so relaxing! I can honestly say its one of the only places where I can sit and chit chat with other adults, while my children play NICELY with each other! LOL Not one whine, not one whimper, not even one teeny-weeny fight. I just might have to live there!

I also changed my car insurance, and I can honestly say that GEICO sucks! They're supposed to be the cheapest. They're liars. I called up a broker, and for the same coverage, I'm paying HALF of what I was paying with GEICO. It seriously is saving us $500 every six months! Can't beat that!

And, for the major subject on the day.... my sister, Jen, INSISTED that we clean out my closet and drawers. People, what am I going to do? I have practically NOTHING left to wear!! Of course, its a wonderful thing that the majority of my clothes hang off my body, but a person needs money to replenish the clothing supply. I might be okay through the summer... I have 3 or 4 pairs of shorts that fit, and some shirts, but once Fall comes I need to do some major shopping! I have 1 pair of pants left... and thats just assuming they'll fit me by October. Only about 3 or 4 long sleeve shirts. I'll have to worry about that when I come to it, and while its totally awesome, its a little scary too.

I'll have to remember that my birthday is coming up in another 2 weeks, so maybe someone will give me some gift certificates I can use!

I'm outta here. WW weigh-in tomorrow morning, bright and early! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Chuck E Cheese Hell......

...or if you prefer... paradise?

Matthew had a party to go to at Chuck E Cheese last night. The party was for 6pm, and I had been over at my SIL's, and since I would be staying for the party while Matt was there, I offered to take my almost 4 yr old nephew with us. I should have known there was going to be problems though... both Matt and Russell (my nephew) fell asleep on the way there for about 5 or 10 minutes.

Anyway, apparently, my nephew is scared of Chuck E. I was aware of it, but thought it wouldn't be a problem if we stayed away from the stage. I dropped Matt off in the designated party area, and got into line to order some pizza. I glanced over, and the Mom of the b-day boy was motioning me over because Matt was in tears! And when Matt gets overwhelmed he puts his head down, his hands stay right in front of his eyes rubbing them, and he's not loud, but inconsolable. Exactly how he was for the first week of kindergarden. So I went over , tried to calm him down, thought he was doing okay, and got back in line. We sat near the birthday table, except then my nephew was terrified! He was crying, shaking, almost to the point of hyperventilating. Crying how he wanted Mommy and Daddy. I felt so bad for him. But I couldn't leave and find a spot farther away from the stage, because Matt was still in tears, and even refusing to sit at the birthday table! Keep in mind, I'm at this hell hole by MYSELF, with 5 kids! I ended up taking Matt away from the b-day party table, and taking all 5 kids to a table farther away from the stage, closer to the games and tubes. Eventually Russell calmed down, Matt calmed down, they all of course, choose not to eat, and went off to use their tokens. But, never would I have decided to bring 5 kids by myself to Chuck E Cheese.... its usually a place I avoid, unless I have Chris with me.. and its easy to avoid since its a 1/2 hr away.

It was definitely an adventure! We didn't get home till almost 9:30, and I was Probably not something I'll ever repeat!

Tuesday, June 22, 2004


I'm freezing right now!!! I feel like I'm in a freezer! We keep our computer in our bedroom, and even though its in the 60's outside, and supposed to get down to the 50's, Chris turned the A/C on. Its set at 66 degrees!

I can't feel my fingers or my toes, and I'm wrapped up in my fleece bathrobe! LOL

I don't know how long I'll be able to handle this! ;)

Monday, June 21, 2004

Busy weekend

Mostly Saturday night and Sunday were a whirlwind of activities. After my Saturday "battle" with the biological asshole, and my pms'ing, I really needed to get out of the house!

My sister and I headed out to find a present for Father's Day for Chris. I really had no clue what to get him, so I just ended up getting him some shorts and a shirt, because even though he thinks he can live in ties, dress shirts, and pants, thats just not the case! lol

I had told Chris we were going to get a drink afterwards, and ended up at Sunset Ribs....a nice little bar/restaurant/dance club. Jen and I obviously hadn't been there for a long time, because it was now a PIANO BAR!!! We still paid the cover, got our drinks, and sat on the outside deck near a heat lamp just to chill out from our day. But I tell ya...we laughed our asses off! lol There's just something about someone trying to sing in a "Kermit" voice! We both decided that if we were drunk, we would have enjoyed it more, but we did get alot of great laughs out of it!

Then we checked out the new Super Stop & Shop in East Lyme, and chowed on Ambrosia Salad in the car...trying to hide the container from anyone that passed by! We're weird, I know!

We then threw caution to the wind, and headed to the casino. It was only 11 pm...still early. We both pretty quickly lost the $40 that we both brought, and on our way through to the door, would stop at a machine here and there to throw in a quarter or two. Jen was the lucky one to hit a great machine! One quarter, and it spit out a total of 490 quarters right back at us!! Jen filled her bucket, and gave me the overflow which kept us busy till after 2 am! Jen ended up leaving with $50, and I of course, left with nada.

We hit Denny's on our way home, and ate some pretty fattening food, and finally made it home at 3:30am! We had so much fun!

Anyway, Sunday was a long day too...I dropped the cake I made for Chris, but all in all it was a great weekend!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Weekly weigh-in

I lost 2.2 lbs this week! Not bad considering I didn't exercise, my ankles have been swollen, and I haven't drank enough water! lol

Total to date: before WW - 15 LBS
while on WW - 30 LBS

Total of 45 lbs so far! I'm almost half way there!

Otherwise today was uneventful. Hit some yard sales, and bought way too much cheap

Had some more trouble with the biological asshole today. The whole situation is just getting worse. Of course, I'm pms'ing so that doesn't make MY attitude any better. Anyway, told him I was cancelling next Saturday, which he didn't really reply to, and then asked him if he had a job yet, and finally, i got the "yes" answer. So, out of polite conversation I asked him where, and he would only mention a town, and not the specific place! So, of course, I had to ask him why he wouldn't tell me, and he said "don't worry about it, you'll get the child support!"...if a very snotty and defensive voice! So he obviously isn't planning on telling the state where he's working, because obviously then they'd attach his wages, and the asshole can't have that! So I told him ,I would just bring him to court. He said I'd get less money, since he's apparently not making much an hour, but heck, at least I'd get it regularly! Versus whenever he feels like paying it! Then to top it off, he dropped the kids off 10 minutes late, but like I've mentioned before, I expect my children home at 3pm on the dot.

Anyway, I ramble way too much on this subject... I'm off to get a Father's Day present for Chris, and go get a good stiff drink, so I hope every Dad out there has a great Father's Day!

Friday, June 18, 2004

Busy Week!

This week has been totally nuts! There's so much I want to write about, but it would seriously amount to a novel! LOL So, I'm just going to give (hopefully) some of the main parts!

- Imagine 130 3rd graders, singing "Wind Beneath My Wings", by Bette Midler (sp?) in SIGN LANGUAGE !!! It was awesome! I can tell you I wasn't the only one crying!

-Had a problem on the bus with a snotty 6th grader. He was making fun of another 6th grader.. a girl who's overweight. This one boy is the instigator in anything that happens on my bus. Earlier in the year, when I had him in the front seat, he had the majority of the 5th and 6th graders wearing t-shirts that read "free Connor" ! And they would chant it the whole ride to and from school! So this week, I wrote him up, put him in the front, and wouldn't sit down. Safety is of course, very important, and when I would ask him to sit, he would flat out refuse! When I told him he needed to respect me, he told me that when I respected HIM, then he would respect me! Little shithead! He got kicked off for today, which of course, is the last day!

-Ran around town all week, picking up presents for teachers, and didn't even have time to work out!

- Didn't do even ONE load of laundry!

-Because of this, I now have "Mount Laundry" in my basement! At least 10-12 loads!

-House looks like a tornado came through it... at least a few times! lol

-Did good on WW this week, although had the work picnic tonight, and had a REAL hotdog! It was SO good! Got a work t-shirt, for an "accident free" year. Big deal. lol

-The "biological asshole" comes tomorrow, unfortunately. He's blown up at me the last 2 weekends, all because I asked him when I'd receive child support again, and asked him what he had planned for the day! I really wish he'd give up his rights!

-I'm pms'ing, and Chris is driving me nuts! It would be nice if he would ask me about MY day, instead of telling me all details about HIS day!

-And I was so excited this morning, for the last day of school, I couldn't sleep, and was up at 5 a.m.!!! Figured while I was up, I could clean the bathroom, pick up the livingroom a bit, and wash some dishes! I know, I'm nuts! lol

-I received lots of loot from the kids who ride my bus today. Lots of good gift certificates, candy, (which I gave all away!), and flowers, and little gifts. They were all so sweet!

-I got all teary-eyed during my middle school run this morning.... my 8th graders were leaving my bus for the last time. They actually wrote me this big card, telling me how much they'd miss me, and how glad they were to have me for a bus driver, and then all signed it! So sweet!

-And now that I've actually written a novel...LOL....I add this one little part.....Schools Out!!!


Monday, June 14, 2004

The Ants Are Marching.... by one. No hooray for me though. I was checking my email this morning... just 15 minutes ago actually, when Molly starts screaming for me to come in the livingroom cause there were lots of ants! There sure were.Found them under the livingroom chair,grabbing for any crumb that could be found. Followed the trail with the vacuum all the way to the front door. I tell ya, this summer's gonna be alot of fun. I keep telling these adorable children of mine to not eat in the livingroom. Maybe now they'll listen. I also need to obviously stop neglecting under the chair, and in the little corners and crevices when I vacuum. Maybe that'll fix the problem. For all I can tell, they're gone now. Thank God. I need to stay on top of this one!

Anyway, thats the drama of my day, so far. Molly is still being a pain in my rear in the carseat. I bought some shoelaces today to tie around the front clip, and if need be, I'll tie it in so many knots, it'll take her the whole bus run to get them out. Or hopefully she won't touch them, in which case, I'll cut them off, and start with a fresh string tomorrow.

Only 4.5 days of school left! Hope everyone has a great Monday!

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Saturday weigh-in

It wasn't a bad week after all! ;) I actually lost 3.6 pounds!!! Not sure exactly how I did it, since the whole thing is still a mystery to me. Only worked out once this week, but didn't use many flex points. Whatever I'm doing, at least some of it must be right. Tonight for my "Saturday Splurge" , I'm having pizza for dinner, and still need to make brownies. If I've calculated it right, they're only 2 pts a piece if I use applesauce instead of oil. So, on top of the munchkins I had this morning, I'll have used a good chunk of FP for this week! But I thinking using them like I am, is keeping me on track.

5 more days of school!!! Yay!!!!!

Friday, June 11, 2004

Another Friday!

Happy Friday everyone!!

This week went by so fast. The kids on the bus are getting totally crazy, with the end of school coming near! I'm getting daily headaches from the noise and crazyness of it all. But they aren't bad or anything... mostly just stress headaches. After some very warm and humid temps this week, we're back in the 60's. Its kinda nice.. I'm in no rush for humidity, and sweating all the time! lol

A couple of weeks ago, I asked a girl I work with, who has 2 adorable little girls, and is in the process of getting divorced, and living with her Mom , if she could use some of the clothes that Molly has outgrown. So it took me almost 2 weeks to get everything together but I finally did, and gave her 3 huge bags full of stuff. Alot of the stuff from last summer, I was so relunctant to give to her, the only reason being they were so cute, I wanted to keep them! lol But Molly obviously has no use for them, and I won't be having any more kids, so I bit the bullet, and included them. I keep saying that I'm going to bring stuff to the consignment shop, but always miss the cut off date, and they sit in my basement for another year. Anyway, the last few days that I've seen her little girls, they've been wearing something that I gave her. It feels so good to have helped her out! I've strugged at times (even now!), and knowing that she's going to save alot of $$ she didn't have in the first place, makes me extremely glad I gave her all I had.

WW weigh-in tomorrow morning. I don't think I lost much, maybe a pound. Of course, thats something, and as long as I haven't gained, I'm okay. I'm getting increasing frustrated with the program. I don't have a hard time sticking to my points, and I rarely, if ever crave something other than pizza. Its just a feeling that I don't really know all the ins and out of it yet. Its a hit or miss thing so far... wondering if I've gained or lost, if I've calculated my points right, if I should be exercising more. It obviously is working so far, but I'm afraid of when I hit a plateau. I'll deal with it, when that happens, but I still have a long way to go. I guess I'm just wishing the rest will melt overnight, or I could just go get my liposuction and tummy tuck, and be done with it. Silly stuff. I'm not quitting, I'm still 100% with the program, still finding it easy, just want to see faster results....LOL

I'm at my sister's right now.. had to feed the cat while she's out of town. I should probably head out, so here's to wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, June 09, 2004


Carseat setup didn't work. Somehow she managed to undo the safety pins that were underneath the shoulder straps, and reach all the way under the bus seat and unbuckle the seatbelt that had been used to secure the bar down.

Don't know how she managed that one~!

Now I need to think of something else ..... and no ideas are popping into my head! What am I going to do with this child?

7 days left of school! Yay!!!!

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

My very own "Houdini"

I'm thinking that I wrote about this topic awhile back, but then again, its an ongoing battle.

My sweet girl Molly.

The carseat dilemma. In the car I've managed to keep her restrained by turning the buckle backwards. Otherwise, she'd unbluckle it. Its great that she has wonderful fine motor skills, but come on! She manages in the car to unbuckle the chest latch, and as I've said before, even I have a difficult time undoing it sometimes.

Now its the bus battle.I've had her in a regular carseat on the bus, one with the bar thingie that goes in front of her. She's always been able to get her arms out... no matter how tight I put it. I figured, at least she was still restrained. Now, she kicks off her shoes, and shimmies her little body completely out of it! And this is while I'm driving a bus! But sometimes, instead of wiggling out of it, she's mastered actually unbuckling the red button thats between her legs, underneath the armrest/bar! Grrr....I don't know what to do with this kid.

So this morning, I had a mechanic and my boss out in my bus trying to come up with creative ways for her to stay in her seat. I bought some safety pins to pin underneath and on top of the chest clip, backwards of course. We also are going to try to "tie" the whole overhead bar with another seatbelt, so that even if she DOES unbuckle it, she won't be able to lift it up!

8 more days. 8 more days. I just need to remember that! Next year, she'll be old enough to be in a booster seat, and then they have a gadget to cover the buckle with...but until then, we have to find something that works!!

Gotta love kids! LOL

Saturday, June 05, 2004

I'm doing great!

I had my WW weigh-in this morning, and although I only lost .6, I made it to the 25 pound mark! I received my 25 lb magnet, and was praised by the other members, and it feels great!

I think I would have lost more if it weren't for the mozzarella sticks , and mud pie I had last night. Although I did have flex points left, I don't think it helped that I ate it 12 hours before weigh-in, but heck , it doesn't happen all the time.. I can't even tell you the last time I had mozzarella sticks, although they did give me a tummy ache!(and weren't really worth it)

Anyway, no rain here yet, but its gray and COLD. I don't think its even in the 60's! One would think it wasn't even June yet! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Friday, June 04, 2004

Another Friday

Yup! It's Friday again! Week seems to fly by these days...although sometimes it seems to drag.

Not much going on around here this week. Seems like there's no time to post, and not enough hours in the day!

2 more weeks left of school... I can't wait! I can't wait to sleep in, to go to the beach, to just have more of a flexible schedule.

There's so many things I need to do. But, of course, before I can do any of it, I need to catch up on laundry, make sure the dishes are done, put away clothes. You know, all the fun stuff. By the time its done, there's no time left to do anything extra. I need to refinish the kitchen table before it gets too hot outside. Need to work on that quilt I'm making for Matt, since its supposed to be his "summer" quilt. lol I keep saying I'll do another page in my scrapbook.. never get around to that either! Grrr... makes me mad.

Not much going on around here. The kids are being typical monsters... always getting into something, fighting with each other. Same old shit.

Oh, one thing I did want to mention though. Something very sad happened on Wednesday night. I was talking to my sister on the phone. She had just gotten home and was talking to her 2 cats, while chatting with me. Apparently she sat on the couch, and her cat "Joe" jumped on her lap, and nuzzled her cheek. Then he went to jump down, and collapsed. My sister was hysterical. These 2 cats are her babies! "Joe" had stopped breathing. My sister is a nurse, and I encouraged her to try CPR, but it didn't work, despite many minutes trying. My sister is crushed. Joe had been a healthy, if hefty, cat. She couldn't imagine what had happened. Jen brought the cat down that night, and we buried him in the backyard. She talked to the vet yesterday, and he believes it was a "heart attack", although thats not the term Jen told me. I guess the valves or arteries leading to his heart, just closed. At least she knows now what happened, instead of wondering. And she did everything she could, and at least was there when it happened. Just very sad.

Anyway, just wanted to share that here. It's supposed to rain here all weekend, but if you're one of the lucky ones that gets a sunny weekend, have a great one!