Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I try so hard

I've come to a conclusion, but don't know why its taken me so long. I've come to the realization that I'M NOT FUNNY. I try to be funny, and I'm not. Even when I don't try, I'm not.

Last months family dinner here at my house was so much fun. After dinner while the kids played in the basement, my siblings and I sat in the livingroom just chatting. Talking about our childhood(we lived in this house) and what memorable things happened. Alot about me came up. How I would fight with my siblings, how I've thrown a bowl of chili across the room, about how I breastfed Molly until she was almost 3 years old, and everyone had a great laugh, including myself. Then I try to throw a little humor into it. I say something that I feel is very witty and amusing. And NO ONE LAUGHS. I laughed...but I was the only one, and I thought what I said was funny.

Maybe I'm trying too hard ;) I guess I'm not a funny kinda person. I can joke about how I'm not funny, and THEN everyone will laugh.

I don't write well either. Again, I try to be funny, and folks, it just doesn't happen! I'm not being down about myself, so don't worry about that, but its just been something I've been thinking about, since this weekend is the 2nd family dinner.

I want SO BAD to be funny! LOL See, I think thats funny! I want to make people laugh, I want people to be interested in what I have to say. And they are, I suppose, at times, but...maybe I wasn't meant to be a funny person. Heck, who knows! Possibly it stems from being a shy child and teenager?

Anyway, not much going on around here. Wrote a post yesterday, but damn blogger wouldn't publish it. Yesterday was crazy....literally running around all day! Tomorrow is my 2nd day of tanning, and for some reason I tend to schedule things at the same time. So, when I pull into the parking lot for tanning, I should also be pulling into the parking lot to get my oil changed. Need to do something about that in the morning.

Tomorrow's Wednesday.... yay for being half-way through the work week!

Have a great day!

Saturday, March 26, 2005

My dress!

My matron of honor dress came in the other day and today Jen picked it up. I'm happy to say its too big! Its hanging off of me... its so exciting! And I look so pretty, if I do say so myself ;)

Weigh-in went well this week.... check out my weightloss blog to read about it!

Well, the Easter Bunny just finished his work ;) No help this year either...Chris is snoring on the couch! I'm hoping the kids let me sleep in...lol

Hope everyone has a Happy Easter!

Friday, March 25, 2005


Where do I start? Let's see..... Molly's been sick with either a virus or something yet to be determined. A high fever with a little bit of a cough. Highest so far has been 104 degrees. That number in itself would probably freak me out, but I'm used to the whole "virus" thing. All the kids have gone through it and at times its been really scary. Anyway, I'm giving her today to see how she is, and then I'll bring her to the Dr's. The worst thing about her being sick is that she won't take meds. We literally need to force it down her throat. Last night I had her in bed with me to keep an eye on her, and she was so hot! Her little body was twitching and she was talking in her sleep. That's when I woke her up and had to force the meds down her throat. Ever since Ryan had a febrile seizure when he was 5, I get nervous about it all.

Anyway, I've been looking at my other options for posting pictures. Does anyone know if there's a way to post pictures without having them hosted or whatever its called? I know there's a way I can code it into my post, but don't know if my pictures are in a place that it can be done...if that makes any sense...lol

This morning there was a old folks' rock hunt for the older kids. Since I was up till 2:30 am writing and printing up a paper for Chris for work, I woke up late. We all ran around crazy getting clothes on and trying to get out the door on time. We get all the way there, and it was cancelled! Turns out the recent snowstorm made it too snowy/icy/muddy to actually have a hunt. Rain date next Saturday. Hopefully we won't get more snow this week! lol

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Big news

I forgot to mention, because I was all phyched on how well the shower went, that the B.A. MOVED!! The kids and I got 2 days notice on it. But I have to say I'm very glad. And of course, I just spent the last 20 minutes writing a post on it, that poof! disappeared. Go figure.

So he moved very far away. North Carolina. Far enough away for the kids to only see him once a year. Of course the B.A. wants them a month every summer, and I don't think I can manage to be separated from them for that long, but I'm not worrying about it right now. I've already let the B.A. and the kids know that they will see each other, so not to worry. But, secretly I'm hoping he disappears and never comes back. Selfish of me, I know, but I truly believe that would be the best thing for the kids.

In the meantime, I'm hoping things can get back to being a little bit more normal around here than they had been. I'm hoping Ryan's attitude calms down a bit and that things can kind of be how they used to be. Thats all I want. All the rest I'll deal with when I have to.

Monday, March 21, 2005

What a week!

This past week has been a long-ass week. I spent all week dodging Jen when she wanted to go to the gym or get together. I spent all week making chocolate roses and sunflowers. I gained 2 pounds by eating those little chocolate disks that are used in the chocolate molds.

I have my camera, I have pictures to post, but HELLO isn't working for me! Keeps telling me I need to reinstall and I have but it still isn't working. I'm going to hopefully figure it out tonight, because now that I CAN post pictures, I want to!

Jen's bridal shower was yesterday and went great! Because I spent all week getting ready for the shower and only thing I had to write about was the shower. But since Jen has been known to visit this site, I didn't want to take any chances writing something about the preparations. I must tell all about it now though....

Jen was actually surprised. She had a teeny weeny idea. She had been planning to go to NY to visit Roman (her fiancee) and when my Mom and I found out about it, we had to come up with a good reason to keep her in CT! I had to call Roman to have him come home for the weekend, and so thats why she suspected. But, we had an awesome turnout...almost everyone who was invited came! We had 4 lunch choices and all were very good. We only played a round of Mad Libs because everyone was talking so much, which was also good. The cake was sooo delicious! My Mom and I had made the chocolate flowers and put them in baskets with foam and "fake grass" on top....they were so cute! She received many nice gifts and loved her shower!

So, thank goodness thats over with! Now the only thing we need to worry about is the wedding. My dress should be coming in within the next week or so, and Jen has almost everything done. Lisa, the other bridesmaid, and I have been cornered into making the favors. All I'm going to say about that one is that its food, and we need to make a couple hundred! Piece of cake, right? lol

Anyway, in another 3 weeks we're all going out to the casino and renting a few hotel rooms for the night for Jen's bachalorette party. That should be a blast! I need to buy some new clothes for that. Oh, and get this..... at the shower, Jen's co-workers, from a distance, thought I was Jen! I took that as a very big compliment!

K, if anyone still reads this, since I've been gone for awhile, I'll hopefully get to post some pics very very soon! Hope everyone has a great week!

Monday, March 14, 2005

Matthew's conference

I had Matthew's conference with his teacher today and it went really well! He's right on track with everything. Numbers, writing, reading...everything! I feel sooo much better about this year than last year. Its all meshing with him this year. He's where he's supposed to be academically and socially. He's not struggling at all. I'm so happy we made the decision for him to repeat Kindergarten. Its just all coming together, and it makes me so happy to see my little boy happy.

Matthew's little baby tooth is getting looser and looser. He's gotten used to the wiggly feeling, and wiggles it practically all day long to make it even looser. He keeps saying he wants to bite into an apple to pull it out, and I keep reminding him it just needs to be a bit looser! He's so excited and anxious to pull it out now!

Molly starts a class at the Rec Center tomorrow. Ooey,gooey. Thats what its called. For 4-5 yr olds that get taught to make "interesting" concoctions. Tell me I'm not making a mistake! lol I also signed Matt up for "silly scientists" which is the same basic concept, and Ryan and Emi also wanted to do the same class, but an older version. So within all the next few weeks my wonderful children will be able to concoct who knows what. Something I know they'll attempt at home! What have I gotten myself into!?!?!

Anyway..... I spent all morning on Sunday researching digital cameras and prices, etc. I think I did a good job...I hope so anyway. I'll be getting my new camera soon! I can't wait to take pictures.

Next up is a new computer desk, and bunkbeds for the girls. And keeping money in savings. My siblings and I are starting plans to vacation next summer in Myrtle Beach! 8 adults, 6 kids. We're hoping to rent a beach house....I can't wait! I'm just hoping that we can all survive in each others company for an entire week! ;)

This week will be busy with final preparations for Jen's shower. I'll be around, but hope everyone has a great week!!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Had a post

I just wrote a damn post. I'm really hating blogger right now. I don't have the time to write one right now again.

But anyway, it was about Matthew getting his first loose tooth, and about how practically NO ONE has RSVP'd to Jen's shower! And its pissing me off!

And how I'm buying my digital camera this week but don't know what to look for. Can anyone offer any suggestions? I'm trying not to go over $250.

I'll write more later. Hope everyone's having a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Its been awhile

I didn't realize till this morning that its been an entire week since I posted! I did think about posting last night but there's not much going on.

I don't have enough time for things. Its quite ironic really. I actually have money, but no time to go spend it. I want to, but actually NEED to buy myself some new clothes. Just a few pieces to get me through till summer. I own one pair of jeans that actually fit, and all the others hang off my ass and the crotch hangs practically to my knees! My alas, no time. I tried going to the mall this morning, but had Molly with me. Didn't go over with her too well, so left empty-handed. I spent this past Sunday at the mall too, looking for a dress for my Mom for the wedding. Spent 5 hours there, and again, left with nothing.

I still need to get something pretty to wear to Jen's bridal shower, along with something for both the girls. Need to find a dress for Emilie for the wedding, and still searching, LAST MINUTE, with Jen for a flowergirl dress for Molly. Obviously still need to get the boys' clothes for the wedding too.

Nevermind spring should be here soon and the kids have absolutely nothing. Need to think about summer clothes for them too. And with 4 kids its takes me awhile to find good deals. In 4 different sizes, no less.

And last but not least, I'm buying myself a digital camera. When I have the time to go out and get one. Chris and I live about 20 years back. We have a computer, but thats about it. No printer, although he won one in Vegas so we'll be getting that soon. No cellphones, but might get some in the fall, and no digital camera! So dammit, I'm buying myself a digital camera!

Oh, and watch out. Because when I finally get the camera, I'll be posting pictures ALL THE TIME! lol

Hope everyone has a great week!!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Can we all say "more snow"

Its gettin' old. Its March for heavens sake! More snow last night.... lovely nor'easter flew through Ct again. Only 5 inches though...piece of cake to shovel!

Isn't there a phrase that goes something to the effect of "in like a lion, out like a lamb?" I fully expect the end of this month to be at least in the 50's! lol

Our town decided to have only a delay. Even though it was snowing up till 10 am and the majority of the roads were only plowed with no sand, we got to put our busdriving abilities to the test. It wasn't even fun. Too much responsibility. I made it through this morning without any accidents though. Thank goodness. I think we've used up all our snowdays. Anymore and they have to start tacking them on to the end of the year. As it is, we don't get out till the middle of June! Of course, I'll be bitching and moaning about that too. lol

Ryan goes to counseling tonight where I'm going to be bringing up the incident about the gun. His counselor(she's actually a student doc) will be referring him to an outside phychologist(sp?) because where he's going now, the wait is 6 months, and obviously we're not waiting that long.

We did our income tax return last week and thanks to the 4 kids factor, it'll be a nice sum of money! I can't wait! Pay off bills, buy some clothes, pay for my bridesmaid dress and bridal shower. Its going to be gone before we know it!

Yesterday Matt had to have a tooth pulled. It was a filled cavity that absessed. Not happy about it, although that kind of thing doesn't usually happen. I can't wait till he starts getting his permanent teeth! He's 6 and hasn't lost any yet.

Anyway, I should get some housework done while I'm home. Hope everyone has a great week!