I try so hard
I've come to a conclusion, but don't know why its taken me so long. I've come to the realization that I'M NOT FUNNY. I try to be funny, and I'm not. Even when I don't try, I'm not.
Last months family dinner here at my house was so much fun. After dinner while the kids played in the basement, my siblings and I sat in the livingroom just chatting. Talking about our childhood(we lived in this house) and what memorable things happened. Alot about me came up. How I would fight with my siblings, how I've thrown a bowl of chili across the room, about how I breastfed Molly until she was almost 3 years old, and everyone had a great laugh, including myself. Then I try to throw a little humor into it. I say something that I feel is very witty and amusing. And NO ONE LAUGHS. I laughed...but I was the only one, and I thought what I said was funny.
Maybe I'm trying too hard ;) I guess I'm not a funny kinda person. I can joke about how I'm not funny, and THEN everyone will laugh.
I don't write well either. Again, I try to be funny, and folks, it just doesn't happen! I'm not being down about myself, so don't worry about that, but its just been something I've been thinking about, since this weekend is the 2nd family dinner.
I want SO BAD to be funny! LOL See, I think thats funny! I want to make people laugh, I want people to be interested in what I have to say. And they are, I suppose, at times, but...maybe I wasn't meant to be a funny person. Heck, who knows! Possibly it stems from being a shy child and teenager?
Anyway, not much going on around here. Wrote a post yesterday, but damn blogger wouldn't publish it. Yesterday was crazy....literally running around all day! Tomorrow is my 2nd day of tanning, and for some reason I tend to schedule things at the same time. So, when I pull into the parking lot for tanning, I should also be pulling into the parking lot to get my oil changed. Need to do something about that in the morning.
Tomorrow's Wednesday.... yay for being half-way through the work week!
Have a great day!